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I didn't know if my decision to just pop in at Dev's place was a smart idea; but in my defense; I was extremely restless to check on Mihir. He'd been too drunk the other night; and if he were to get a hangover(which I knew he would); I wanted to be around to help Dev.

It didn't help matters when neither of the two answered my call. It only increased my worries, and before I knew what I was doing; I had walked all the way up to Dev's place.

As I stood outside his apartment door; waiting in anticipation for him to let me in; a baby girl's giggle startled me. I could hear a distant voice of Mihir and tiny footsteps running here and there.

"Let it goooo....let it gooooo....turn away and slam the door...."

Mihir's singing?

Mihir's singing in the voice of a baby girl?

But this sounds like two voices.

For Lord's sake; is he still drunk?

My thoughts were interrupted as the door flung open and Dev stood before me with a plate full of rice and other gravy like stuff. His hair was ruffled, his face showed obvious traces of stress and what's worse; he looked too surprised to see me.

However, within seconds; his expression changed from surprised to amused. His gaze then dropped to his ultra homely attire (a super lose shirt with super lose tracks) and he seemed to turn bright red.

"...I don't care....what they're going to sayyyyy..." a squeaky voice sang, Nope. Definitely not Mihir. "....let the storm rage on..." there was a male voice now, Mihir!, which became louder and louder.

"....the cold never bothered me anyway." Mihir finished with a baby girl up in his arms as he halted before the door.


Upon seeing me; his face broke into a million watt smile as he placed Nimisha on the floor and walked up to me saying,

"Hi Aditi. I'm Olaf; and I love warm hugs." And before I knew what was happening; I was hugging Mihir.

At first I was too surprised to do anything, but eventually hugged him back.

Nimisha giggled softly in the background as Dev's eyes seemed to shoot daggers at Mihir. Very slowly, he walked closer to the two of us.

Why this insecurity Dev?

It was when he stood close that I noticed how much even his ruffled up hair suited him. The shirt was loose, and yet I could see peeks of his taut muscles jutting out. He was breathing heavily; and I couldn't help but stare at his adam's apple with awe.

Shit. I'm checking Dev out while hugging Mihir!

When Mihir finally let go of me I whispered, "I came to see how you were."

"I'm great. As great as ever.." he sang.

No really, is he still drunk?

I looked away from him at that; as my gaze dropped to Nimisha. She had an adorable high top bun made with haste and her mouth was stained with something greasy. It was then that I realized that Dev was actually feeding Nimisha; while Mihir was entertaining her. Her full sleeved sky blue sweatshirt had a snowflake printed on it which explained her love for 'Frozen'. She even held onto a silver and blue wand and had a tiny classy tiara around her bun.

I couldn't help but smile, as I knelt down to her level; which wasn't even as high as Dev's waist; and stated,

"That's a very cute sweatshirt. You look just like Elsa."

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