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There were very few instances in his life where he'd been able to feel every second tick by torturously slowly. In the past three hours that he'd spent sitting on the cold, metallic hospital chair, he'd watched the hustle bustle without particularly registering anything.

His palms continued to sweat and he found himself curling his toes anxiously.

"Relax, Dev." Vidushi had repeated time and again.

His wife was in the Operation Theatre giving birth to his child that instant. How could he relax?

When the Doctor had finally walked out of the OT and had congratulated him, he'd felt his knees buckle beneath him at the relief he'd felt.

Aakash had rushed in just within time to catch a first glance of their baby girl.

He was excited to see his daughter of course. But this tiny, selfish part of him craved to meet Aditi first. He needed to know if she was okay.

"What are you waiting for?" Aakash grinned, signalling at the room Aditi had been moved to.

Dev ran a rough hand through his hair as he tried miserably to fix his appearance. He hadn't been of particular help when Aditi had run into labour.

How could he be calm when Aditi was wailing at the top of her lungs at how bad it hurt?

He was too busy telling himself he was responsible for her pain.

"Dev. Are you okay?" Aakash whispered gently, a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He nodded feebly, still trying to ignore his fiercely beating heart. "I just...she...she had to go through all this all by herself...."

"Are you seriously feeling guilty?" he chuckled for a response.

Dev's brows creased with confusion and he shrugged to express an affirmation.

"You're an unusually caring husband you know that?" Vidushi offered from Aakash's side.

"And I'm sure you're going to be an excellent Father too." Aakash added for her with a grin.

Teary eyed and unusually emotional, Dev smiled; "Thanks."

"Now go and meet Aditi! She must be waiting for you."

He pushed the door as gently as he could and walked in on a grinning Aditi. The baby wailed with an alarming fierceness as the Nurse picked her up from the cot and passed her into Aditi's arms. Like a switch turned off, the wailing stopped.

Almost instantly, Aditi looked up at him. He simply looked into her eyes, drinking in the unadulterated joy she exhibited. She looked even more beautiful that instant; a new Mother, cradling their baby in her arms.

"Don't you want to hold her too, Sir?" the Nurse questioned.

Aditi smiled at him invitingly and he found himself take small steps towards the bed.

"How are you now?"

"I'm fine Dev."

And without a word, she passed the little being into his arms. "Aditi I...I don't know how to-"

"-just support her neck a little."

"But I-"

"-shhh. Just look at her."

And he did, at her long lashes, her tiny and sharp nose, her rosy cheeks and her peacefully sleeping figure.

"Who do you think she resembles more? You or I?"

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