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No. The official name of the chapter is not 'Bah'. I'm just too tired today and all my creativity has gone off with the wind. Whether it is due to the hours of Accounts or Maths or Eco I do not know. But basically I just want you guys to suggest a name.

Be as creative as you can guys :)

Happy Reading!


Dev turned out to be way more stubborn than I would've perceived him to be. He was adamant that it was too late for his business idea.

But I could be stubborn too and I never stopped pestering him with questions.

At first he dodged them; but gave in eventually and finally expressed his main worry; capital.

If he'd made any contacts with potential clients over these years of service; it had been with the backing of SENSES Pvt. Ltd. When he'd be on his own, without any credit worthiness in the market; who would be ready to invest in his firm?

We needed to face the fact that his idea wasn't anything out of the box.

It was a very simple service that catered to the needs of the common man in general and that I believed to be the first consideration any business idea needed.

I really wanted him to get on with his dream; for I could totally tell how much he'd wanted this. He could tell me he was happy and contented with his job at SENSES over and over again but I knew; somewhere in the heart of hearts he wanted this too.

He respected Mr. And Mrs. Ganguly for giving him a platform to hone his skills and become whatever he was today; but he wanted to work for himself now. He'd dedicated all his career years to SENSES so far; but it was time he did something for himself.

I put in all my extra time in searching for any form of financial assistance from institutions and went through loan schemes and plans in various Banks.

I didn't know why I wanted to help him so much; seeing that if his business took off he would have nothing to do with SENSES; or me; but I just did. He'd secured that position in my life where in the thought of a life without him frightened me beyond anything. Which is why; though on one hand I was giving my all to help him; on the other I clung on to every moment we spent together.

He never asked me out on a date and never expressed his desire for anything more than friendship; and I failed to realize whether I was happy or sad about it.

All I knew was; that I wanted to help him get what he deserved for I truly believed in his capabilities; the way he had trusted mine. That was something I could never thank him enough for.

My weeks of research however; went in vain.

Banks had the same story to tell as other potential investors; without a guarantee and market standing they would not invest in a startup.

When all else failed; I begun with my own calculations.

Designs, stock, production outlet, transportation...I went through every aspect of Dev's dream firm and studied what amount he needed for a basic start. And as is obvious; even the rough figure was nowhere near anything we collectively owned.

And there it was; a dead end.

Maybe Dev was right.

Maybe this wasn't possible.


One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

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