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I had had every intention of not returning home. Dev continued to force me against it; but I could be stubborn if I wanted to. And one thing I was completely clear about; I didn't want to talk to Disha.

I would've been firm on my resolve and actually not gone home if not for Arjun's call at around eleven in the morning;

"Our parents are coming back tomorrow. Disha and I are leaving tonight." He'd informed.

I didn't know what it was that left me brooding about it all day. I didn't know if I was sad or annoyed at their departure.

But it was around four in the evening that I decided; I needed to see their faces before they left; maybe because that's not how I wanted things to end between us. And so; I headed home; to be greeted by Aakash at my place too.

Two suitcases stood before me.

And Arjun and Disha looked totally dressed for leaving. The room had pin drop silence for moments; as we stared at each other awkwardly; not knowing how to react or respond.

"I thought you'd not come." Aakash said quietly; breaking the awkward silence after a while.

I turned towards him with a shrug as I asked;

"You still didn't tell me why you're here."

"I'm moving back to Mumbai. The new unit was a fail."

I could tell he was sad about it; but he seemed to be great at masking his feelings. His face gave away no emotions. And I just let another shocking news hit me.

Aakash was moving back.

He'd be here; in Mumbai.

Like old times.

Another awkward silence filled the room. After what seemed ages; Arjun rose from his place as he hugged me briefly saying;

"Take care Aditi. And all the best to you and Dev."

I could only smile a little as I sighed; "You too."

Disha and I looked everywhere but each other all this while; but at last when we realized it was time for her to leave; we both ended up blurting together;

"Take care." "Thank you."

Despite my mood; a small smile tugged at my lips.

"You're welcome." I huffed, and "I will." She smiled.

I watched as they headed for their bags when suddenly Aakash called:


We all turned towards him expectantly; to see him spread his arms wide; "Group hug."

There was a moment of hesitation. But then; despite the problems and misunderstandings and unfinished confrontations; we hugged; all the four of us.

Watching them leave was a bitter-sweet feeling. One hand I was angry beyond measure at Disha's doings; the other I worried about what her final decision about relocating was. Would she really choose work over Arjun?

"Tea?" Aakash suggested; once we entered the living room after bidding them goodbye.

I nodded as I watched him walk up to the kitchen.

"I'll change and come." I stated; as I made way for my bedroom.

When things happen really fast; your mind is unable to get a grip on what all actually happened. That was probably what happened to me; as I found myself sitting on my bed and just staring into space.

Is this it?

Was this an end to our friendship?

Was this how our friendship would end?

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