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Ever felt conscious of every breath you took?

I did. I could sense my chest escalating and then a sharp breath leaving me every time I exhaled. I was nervous and I was feeling suffocated in a moving train; which was humanly impossible.

Dev messaged me suddenly with the information that he was heading home to freshen up; and that there was a slight change of plan and we'd meet at his place itself.

My heart skipped a beat.

He'll know it's me. He'll never accept it.

The rest of the journey was all a blur; getting off the train; hailing an auto. Mihir called me again; and I received it with an even more severely beating heart.


"Oh my God Aditi; relax will you? You sound...sick."

"I feel sick Mihir. The whole objective was for him to never find out-"

"-Aditi. I forgot to tell you something. I'd asked Ashish to add a note with a message on it. It'll seem like it's a parting gift."

The auto stopped at his place; and I had to take a deep breath in and out to ready myself to face whatever was in store for me.

"I...I've reached Mihir. I'll talk to you later."

"Good luck."

I clutched the strap of my purse nervously as I walked into his tiny society; heading for his building. And there he stood; a note in one hand; a polythene bag in the other; staring at my gift. His car.

Dev had owned his black sedan for a good five years. When I enquired from Ashish; our HR Executive with Mihir's help; he told me what the depreciated value of his car was. It was something affordable; something I could buy for him with my savings.

And it honestly didn't matter.

It felt nice to buy the car for him. And I had had no intention for ever letting him find out. I'd expected him to forget I ever mentioned my savings for my own car; but he remembered. And he'd asked me the very day the car was to stand outside his doorstep.

It would take him minutes to know it was me.

Maybe the note will convince him.

Mustering up some courage I called; "Dev?"

He turned around his spot; looking remarkably calm. I almost let out the breath I was holding when he asked;

"What the hell were you thinking Aditi?"

Try to convince him it wasn't you. It's okay Aditi. Look calm.


He came closer to me; as he shoved the note on my palm.

A parting gift for your exemplary service; Dev.

Wishing you all the very best,

Mr. and Mrs. Ganguly, SENSES PVT. LTD.

I blinked at Dev with confusion; as I tried to brainstorm for a response.

"I...I didn't..." I was horrible with confrontations. I'm going to use that comparison again; I would choose to cook a three course meal for a whole list of wedding guests without batting an eyelid over this confrontation.

But I had to face him; and I had to face the fact that he was infuriated.

I had never seen this side of him.

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