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I know it's unlike me to have an author's note in the start but this is some kind of a warning. Brace yourselves people; this is a FREAKING long chapter.

Couldn't help it; everything was needed.


"Try this one." I said, pointing at a red dress.

"Red doesn't suit me." Veronica replied; scrunching her nose.

"Try it at least!"

She hesitated at first; but then picked up the dress saying, "If you insist." And entered my washroom.

A black or a red dress?, I texted Mihir.

For you? He replied immediately.

No. For your daughter in my womb!

An instant laughing emoji came as a reply along with, None.

My brows raised in surprise as I sat upright on the bed; contemplating on my reply. Before I could form anything, my phone beeped,

A black saree though ;)

An involuntary smile escaped my lips at that. I'd been told on numerous occasions that I looked far better in Indian than anything. But this was an office party with a western formals dress code; I couldn't wear a saree.

Dress code's western formals; Mihir.

I'll leave it up to you then. Surprise me. :p

Though the air between us had cleared; and what we shared was officially only friendship; he had never really quit with the flirting; and never stopped making me blush. I took that as an opportunity to flirt back; and that's pretty much the only progress we made.

"Okay it's not that bad." Veronica commented, slipping out of the washroom and turning around her spot to let me have a good look at her outfit.

I smiled as I realized I was right; red totally suited her. The body hugging, blood red outfit made her look beyond just stunning. And she was out of the few women who I knew could carry red with dignity.

"Perfect." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"You bet?" I asked; rising from the bed, heading to my shoe rack.

Because Veronica had shifted to Mumbai for work; and didn't have the biggest house; she wasn't able to carry all her outfits from home with her. And I of course, didn't mind sharing my stuff with my friend; especially when the stuff that I owned, made her look drop dead gorgeous.

Spotting a pair of nude pumps for her; I rummaged through my jewellery collection to find her a statement burnt gold necklace.

As she turned to do her makeup she said pointing her index finger at the bed,

"That navy blue one will suit you. Try it."

Now that navy blue maxi dress had a history; and as is obvious; had a history with Aakash. It was a school event; and I had worn it. It was in that very dress, that I'd shared a moment with Aakash; nothing major; just a dance but it was a memory I held very close to my heart.

"No...not that one." I responded, but was then suddenly was reminded of Mihir's words,

Because you're still not over Aakash? Well then let me tell you why you're not. Because you simply don't want to!

"Actually..." I sighed, "Let me give it a shot."

The dress still fit me like a glove; and I was beyond ecstatic to know that I still had every piece of jewellery I'd worn eight years ago. I repeated the makeup look; referring to a picture taken back in that party; only giving it a little more dramatic touch and was ready for the party.

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