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"Aditi..." Disha whispered ever so softly from next to me.

When I turned towards her expectantly she offered; "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

We were going out for dinner; all of us. But what was special about the occasion was that Dev was coming too. This would be the first time my friends would meet Dev and vice versa.

Arjun and Aakash were busy discussing something in the living room while Disha and I changed. And that was when Disha posed this question.

"What do you mean?" I asked; honestly confused.

"I'm guessing this person we're going to meet is a special someone..." she stated suggestively.

"My boyfriend." I declared bluntly; to see her pupils dilate all at once.

She'd not seen this coming.

Who did she think I was introducing her to with so much enthusiasm then?

"Right." She spoke almost to herself. "And you're taking Aakash to meet your boyfriend?"

"What are you trying to indicate here?" I snapped; irritation filling me up.

"Aakash loves you Aditi."

I dropped the mascara wand on the dresser involuntarily as I turned towards her; "We've had a talk about this Disha. And he said he wanted to meet Dev. I'm not forcing him into this."

Why did I always end up becoming the villain?

"He was going to propose to you." She stated; her arms folding before her chest.

"And I have already seen the ring." I retorted.

What was she trying to prove?

"I'm guessing you said no?"

To say I was annoyed would be a major understatement. Why did she have to completely ruin my awesome mood with these things I'd already discussed with Aakash?

"Of course I did."

To my complete surprise; she let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine. As you wish." She stated; making way for the door.

"What do you mean?" I gritted through my teeth; anger consuming me.

"I thought you'd always loved Aakash. But you seem to have moved on." She shrugged nonchalantly; as though what she'd just said would have no impact on me.

"So?" I challenged further.

"So even if you two have had the talk about moving on and all that; don't you think it's a little insensitive on your part to take Aakash for meeting your boyfriend right away?"

Blood rushed up to my face; I saw red. My mouth couldn't form words any longer. She took my silence as my guilt as she continued;

"Besides; who are we kidding here Aditi? You have always been madly in love with Aakash. And considering those deep feelings; don't you think you're concluding that you've moved on way too soon?"

I could hear the second's hand of the clock tick on its own accord when Disha took a pause to breath; but then to my utter surprise resumed;

"Are you sure you're not doing this to make Aakash jealous?" Concern dripped from her tone; but filled my mouth with distaste.

How could she even think I would use someone like that?

And why would I want to make Aakash jealous?

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