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Ten minutes into the whole hassle of getting dressed, I got my first cramp for the month. I groaned internally.

Of all the days...today!?

I bit my lip unconsciously.

I'm probably overreacting. It's probably not even a cramp.

Ugh who am I kidding? It's a freaking period cramp!

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I forced myself to think of something else, something more pleasant. But it's always hard to concentrate with the pain.

I drowned myself into my outfit selection and hummed a pleasant song. Without much deliberation, I settled for something traditional. Oh yes, a sari!

"Aditi the baarat is here. Help me will you?" I heard someone call within moments of my stepping out into the hall where the wedding was to be conducted.

The groom's side of the family was visible at a distance as colourful figures shimmied towards the hall. There was loud music and dhol accompanied with the whole crowd as they were nearing us. And that's when you knew Punjabis were involved in the weddings!

I stifled a laugh at the sight of the baarat as people of a wide range of age groups pitched in their own moves energetically. The happiness and enthusiasm was contagious, as I watched both horrifyingly and amusedly how even Disha's side of the so far super subtle family broke into their own dance moves in return.

As the figures came closer, I spotted many familiar faces all dancing and giggling with the enthusiastic lot. There was Nitya, Aarohi, Akshat; all Arjun's college mates, Nitin, Rakesh, Aaliya; these some of our schoolmates), Ridhima aunty and Aryan uncle who happened to be Arjun's parents, Jaya aunty who was Aakash's mom and then the dulha; of course! Last but definitely not the least, Aakash Malhotra.

He took his own merry time to dance and laugh at a joke Rakesh cracked. His observant eyes scanned the wedding hall and stopped staring near the verandas. I knew what he had seen. His gaze then landed on me and I watched his him not even try to hide the admiration with which he eyed me and then my sari.

I ran a quick hand through the pleats of my sari unconsciously, already feeling flushed to be showered with such unusual attention from him. His deep brown orbs glistened with the colourful wedding lights as I watched him take a nervous gulp.

It was at that moment that a flicker of confidence took over me. He had feelings for me and I knew it.

"You know you should tell her now." Arjun's words rang in my ears.

What did he want to say?

Perhaps, confess his love for me?

Easy there Aditi. You and him have had ENOUGH moments in the past for you to know none of this means anything concrete. Don't jump to conclusions.

The baarat or bor jaatri, as Mala aunty called it, halted in front of us and I passed Mala aunty the kula- a bamboo winnow. She sprinkled some trefoil and husked rice on Arjun.

I witnessed all the rituals with utmost attention. Bengali customs were new and fascinating for me. One look at Arjun's face and I knew I was not the only one who was new to these rituals. His eyes were as huge as saucers as he intently listened to Mala Aunty's instructions and almost sighed out in relief when she was done.

He then bent down to seek Aunty's aashirwaad followed by Girish uncle's(Disha's father) blessings and grinned at me.

"You look beautiful." He mouthed.

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