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"Now that was one long session, wasn't it?" Ishaan called out, scraping a lone chair before our standard table in the office canteen.

Just like any other day at lunch, the cafeteria was packed with employees; some roaming with lunch trays, others with their lunch boxes. 

This was one of my most favourite places to be in the office. It was the only time of the day for me to look at the sheer variety in the organization. While many huddled in groups, most of the other employees in SENSES were the kind to mingle beyond their own departments. There were hardly any junior-senior, boss-subordinate equations during this time of the day, and the hustle and bustle along with the incessant chatter was something that almost always brightened my day.

"I swear. We've learnt so much in such few days na?" Radhika continued, grabbing a seat next to Ishaan.

I smiled, giving a nod.

Our first ever design presentation with Mihir had just wrapped up; and not to my surprise; he had proved his excellence in the field with utmost grace.

"All said and done..." I sighed, now gripping my hair and pulling them up, "I'm glad Ahuja Sir didn't stop by or anything. I don't think I'm that prepared yet."

I had just finished my sentence, when across the wide canteen; my gaze locked with the person I had just spoken of. He too was seated on one of the tables, with someone whose back was turned my way.

I blinked, twisting my hair into a bun. Mr. Ahuja did not look away, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't either.

"What are you talking about? He came!" Rishab responded to me; as he took a sip from his Frooti carton.

"What?" This piece of information was enough to give me the courage to break my eye contact with Mr. Ahuja.

"Yeah! That too during my presentation..." Veronica explained hastily, "...God! I was so freaking nervous. First Mihir Sir and then Ahuja Sir too. Oh kill me someone!" 

I blinked with surprise; followed by a tinge of disappointment. 

On one hand; I didn't feel ready enough for him to see my works just yet, and on the other hand, I felt a weird sense of envy from Veronica for being able to present her work to him. 

Urgh, I really want to prove to him that giving me a chance to become a part of this training was not a wrong a decision on his part!

"I think you were in the washroom when he came, Aditi." Radhika shrugged, and I found myself roll my eyes up at the skies. What was with me and going to pee at important  moments?

"Guys; excuse me please." Veronica suddenly, looking a weird mix of nervous and excited; as she grabbed her phone from the table and scurried off to the department lobby without so much as a second glance.

It was so uncharacteristic of her to do such a thing. My brow raised at her receding figure questioningly.

Something's fishy.

From across the table, Ishaan looked back at me and I knew instantly; that I wasn't the only one who had found something odd.


The departmental store closest to my house was very strategically located; which is why I absolutely hated going there. It was at a distance to which you couldn't travel by car; because it was too close for that; nor could you walk; because it wasn't that close after all.

It was on yet another horribly sunny day that I walked all the way up to the usual departmental store; and the only thing that seemed to be on my mind was how much I hated walking, how bad the Mumbai heat was and how far that damned store was.

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