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A bottle of half filled Mirinda was spun as everyone took their cosy spots to sit. The first duo to get the bottle aimed at them were Nitin and Aaliya. Both had been really close friends since the sixth grade-they were the showstoppers in a fashion show we had on our Annual Day in the that grade and hit it well ever since.

Nitin chose to perform a dare without batting an eye lid to which Aaliya retorted with,

"Share a secret with us."

Nitin looked confused, "I chose a dare, Ally." he informed, calling her by her nickname we'd given her back in school.

"Yeah well that's your dare. Share a secret with us."

He grinned and stared out ahead, as though thinking over it and finally stood up. To our utter surprise, he began unbuttoning his shirt.

"What-" Aaliya turned crimson as all others hooted out loud.

He pulled his shirt down and turned around to show his back. It had a tattoo. An extensive tattoo of an intricate web of wires. I couldn't decipher what it could mean to him, but him and Aaliya exchanged a knowing look so I figured it was probably something they both had shared.

Nobody asked questions when Nitin pulled his shirt back up and grabbed his seat.

This is what I loved about my group. Nobody pried to fish for details that weren't willingly shared.
The bottle was spun again.

The next were Disha and Rakesh.

This time, Disha chose truth.

"How long have you had feelings for Arjun?" asked Rakesh, and to be honest it was quite a stupid question.

Everybody gave out disappointed 'oohs' and 'aahs'. Who asks a happily married couple how long they've been to eachother?

Even so, Disha looked at Arjun with a blush creeping onto her face as she announced,

"I'm not going to answer that."

"Come on man! Just play along!"

Disha sighed, also blushing profusely as she replied gazing at Arjun, "Tenth grade. Maybe even before that."

At this, numerous 'aw-s' and 'ooh-s' erupted.

The game went on with teasing and taunting for almost an hour after which the inevitable happened. The bottle faced Aakash and I. To my utter surprise, it was MY question and his answer.

I was relieved. But confused too.
"Um...truth or dare?"


Right. What was I supposed to dare him to do?

"You mind if I dare him?" Arjun asked from across our circle, probably noting the look on my face.

I shook my head vehemently, "Go ahead!"

"So, my friend..." Arjun sighed gravely, placing his hand on Aakash's shoulder. Aakash grinned. "...think of that one thing you have always wanted to do. Without all your inhibitions and all practical reasoning, one thing."

Aakash raised his brows in question.

"Do it."

This seemed to annoy Aakash, for he looked around; as though registering all the faces and turned to Arjun. Then, he looked at me. And even though he didn't say much, I knew he was asking for my permission.

I knew what was about to happen. Did I want it to happen? Did I want it to happen here?

Right when I thought I saw Aakash stir in his seat, he turned towards Arjun and delivered a punch on his face. Everybody burst out laughing, so did Arjun.

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