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I don't know what I was expecting honestly; but it sure took me by surprise to watch Arjun walk right up to Disha and hug her for his dear life. If I'd not known his feelings for her; I'd have thought he was strangling her to death.

Yep. It was Arjun who'd rung the doorbell.

He embraced her tightly; and kissed the top of her head with a longing kiss. I could see how much he loved her and how much he cared for her. Was Disha blind?

The scene before me made me horribly nostalgic.

And before I knew what was happening; Disha was standing before me in our school uniform; her hair French braided with stray chunks of hair coming out from various spots because of her obvious involvement in sports activities. And Arjun hugged her; his school trousers hanging low on his waist; his school shirt soiled with sweat.

They were sixteen again in my imagination; going through the honeymoon phase of their relationship; when everything feels so right and nothing matters except having your partner by you.

It made me wonder how that would feel for real.

Dev did say he was in love with me; but it was during an intense fight. And even after his confession; we never really had that phase of togetherness that I called the honeymoon phase. There was always work; and being busy and what not.

For a fleeting second; I almost felt jealous of the duo.

"I was so worried about you..." I watched Arjun say to her; snapping me back to the present.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't know what to do..." Disha responded.

And I felt the need to leave them alone that instant. The sound of thunder increased my consciousness of the fact that it was raining horribly. It wouldn't be surprising if the trains stopped working the following day.

When suddenly Mihir, Ishaan and Dev's thought crossed my mind.

They'd reached home safely hadn't they?

I was walking out of the living room when I was stopped by Aakash;

"Where are you going?"

"I have to make a phone call." I whispered; only to have him protest;

"We all need to sit and sort this out."

"There's nothing to sort. Did you see their hug? I think everything's sorted!"

His gaze grew more intense at my declaration and much to my horror he started to near me;

"Why do I have a feeling that you are avoiding all of this?"

I needed to go and wipe the frown off my face. Or I had to stop gulping nervously; or simply spend some time in the washroom to prepare myself for this sudden drama in my life.

Whatever it was; I wasn't liking how he seemed to know me so well one bit.

"Why do I have a feeling that you don't want us here; because you're pissed?" By now; his face was only inches away from mine; and his steady gaze made me take a step back nervously.

"Aakash please sto-"

"-look at them now Aditi."

Disha had handed Arjun a bowl of soup too now; but where the room was full of love moments ago; there seemed a cold war now. They were obviously not okay; and no matter how right Aakash was and how furious I was at each of them; I knew I loved them dearly and I knew I couldn't possibly leave them all alone in this.

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