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There's a huge part of me that still can't believe I'm writing this. But *sigh* Here it is...the epilogue....


Two years later....

"You know surprises freak me out Dev." Aditi huffed; feeling one of Dev's palm over her eyes preventing her from seeing anything.

"That never stopped you from giving me surprises." He retorted; as he held onto her hand with his other palm and led her into the surprise spot.

With her vision blocked; she held onto him with all her strength; and her grip on his palm tightened every now and then; leading to a smile making way onto his lips. He loved her vulnerable side as much as he loved her independent and composed identity.

"How much more walking Dev?" she questioned impatiently.

"We're here." He whispered into her ear; and found her shiver against him at that. For the first few seconds; she didn't move; her back pressed against his chest and her palm holding onto his.

But then she let go of him; and removed his palm from her eyes.

Even when she took in her surroundings with awe her fingers remained intertwined with Dev's; and he couldn't help but feel like he was the luckiest man on Earth. She had no idea how much these tiny gestures of hers mattered to him.

"Wow." She breathed at last; her gaze shifting to him. There was a twinkle in her eyes that said she knew why they were there; and he couldn't help himself but lean in and kiss her on her forehead softly at the enthusiasm she exhibited.

"Time to make things official." He smiled; as he pulled her towards the counter.

It was a jewellery shop.

And there stood only person behind the counter; a friendly smile adorning his features. Aditi found herself redden to realize it was Akshay Zaveri; the eldest son of Mr. Premji Zaveri with whom they'd had a contract previously.

"Hi. I'm Akshay and I'll be helping you here." He gave a friendly smile; as he gestured towards the wide range of wedding bands to Aditi.

Dev sensed Aditi's gaze shift to the rest of the store questioningly; and soon enough; the much expected question was thrown towards him;

"Um...why are we the only ones in the rush hour Dev?"

He chuckled; fascinated by yet another side to his girlfriend. Absolutely nothing left her notice!

"I booked this place for us."

He gave a gentle squeeze to her palm when he noted her eyes widening at him with awe. "But that's not important; you focus only on choosing a ring; the right ring."

"Dev this must have cost you a fortune!" she exclaimed softly; obviously trying not to be audible to Akshay.

"For once Aditi; don't think about the money." When she looked like she would protest he cut; "Please. Let me do this for you."

"No Dev-"

"-Akshay; could you please excuse us for a moment?" Dev found himself requesting the young chap.

"Sure." He smiled graciously and left the two alone.

"I thought I'd made myself absolutely clear Dev; I don't want a ring. You know I'll marry you; why do we need something so extravagant?"

Dev found himself holding her by her arms; "Because..." he started; gazing into her eyes full of distress; "...you deserve something extravagant. A year ago I wasn't in the state of being able to do something like this for you; but now I am. Please Aditi; let me make this special."

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