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"...but why?" Mihir's voice was urgent.

I stifled a laugh at how hysterical he'd gone with just one piece of information; marvelling at how adorable he sounded.

"They just want to meet you Mihir."

"That's the point. Why?"

Ma and Papa had recently expressed their interests in meeting Mihir when they thought that that name was being pronounced too many times in the household. After much pondering, I finally called him up; giving him the invitation. For a reason unknown to me, he had beyond just freaked out as is obvious from his answers.

"Mihir. They want to meet you because you're a part of my life..." I tried to reason, taking a slight pause.

"...really? Just a part of your life? I'm pretty sure Adrija is a part of your life too. She could come with me for dinner then?" He joked.

I rolled my eyes at his mirth, stiffening at the name he just had to take to ruin my mood. When I didn't respond he continued,

"Aditi? "

"Hmm." I replied softly.

"I'm just a part of your life?"

My face flushed at that; as I couldn't seem to figure out how to reply.
Was he being playful with this question or was he really serious?

"Aditi!" Papa's voice echoing from the dining room disrupted my thoughts and I stiffened once again, as though he could hear Mihir.

"Haan Papa?" I yelled, keeping the phone aside.

"Come out for a second will you?"

"Yes. One minute." I called out; as I grabbed the phone again and said to him,

"I have to go. Let me know when you're free. Bye.-"

"-hey wait!"

I gulped nervously, clutching the phone tight; as I waited to hear what I knew he was going to say.

"First; any day's cool. I would love to meet them..." The playful edge to his tone had now disappeared as I felt someone way mature, way serious speaking to me.

"...and second; tell me Aditi; am I merely a part of your life?"

No. You're one of the greatest friends I've ever had, but I'm not even remotely romantically interested in you.

"I..." I stuttered, a tad bit irritable now. Why was he doing this? Why was he putting me in such a tough spot for no fault of my own?

"You're a really great friend Mihir."

"I...am?" he asked, sounding audibly surprised, but a little irritable himself.

"What is it?" I asked, sensing there was something he was annoyed with me about.

"I've never pushed you to open up about your past Aditi. But if there were something happening in your present, would you tell me?"

Where had that come from?

"I...I don't know what you're-"

"-Ugh I'm sorry. I'm being pushy, aren't I?" He said suddenly, taking me by surprise.

"No. We're friends, Mihir. You can ask me whatever you want."

He sighed on the other end of the phone, "That's the point Aditi. I don't want to ask. I want you to tell me." a pause followed, "Isn't there anything you want to fill me in on? Anything about...about the Design Head?"

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