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It was a very special day for me. My first successful presentation, my first official contract, my first discussion with the owners of the company and the first time; Mr. Ahuja's expressions seemed readable. Something about the way he looked at me, when he waited patiently for Mr. Ganguly to get done with all his instructions revealed he was blown by my presentation.

I was excited about it all and I was truly enjoying every bit of the importance that I was getting, but at one point, my curiosity of what Mr Ahuja wanted to say to me surpassed all my emotions and I found myself tapping my feet impatiently.

Courtesy my luck, Mr. Ganguly got done and was followed out by the rest.

From across the room, I could clearly see Ishaan and Veronica's maniacal smile for they knew they'd earned themselves a treat. And something about the way they grinned at me told me that a simple panipuri or samosa treat wouldn't do.

I rolled my eyes at them.

After a little more congratulations from the others; Neha, Sir and I were left in the room. Right when I would expect Mr. Ahuja to walk up to me, Neha took a step forward.

"There are some more details about the contract I need to give you-" she said.

"-uh Neha. It's okay, I'll explain it to her." He instructed.

My heart skipped a beat at that.

I'm not the only eager one here.

"Oh okay Sir..." Neha said, clearly confused; "...Congratulations again Aditi."

"Thanks Neha."

And with that, she walked out of the room. Not before he she gave a surprise eye at the two of us. Sir didn't seem to mind.

The atmosphere now took a very awkward turn for I was suddenly reminded of the fact that I had used Sir's designs without his consent and it was because of me that he was having to be a part of the contract. Now I was worried. I hadn't overstepped, had I?

I busied myself with shutting down my laptop and adjusting all my stuff when he finally walked up to me, halting;

"Miss Anand..."

The day his voice stops making my heart skip a beat I'll cook one full meal for Ma and Papa.

I looked up at him, and paused.

I should apologize to him about the designs.

"Sir, I can explain...I really didn't want to use your designs but then I thought why would anyone reject your designs and I got curious...and then when I saw your designs..."

"...Miss Anand...." he cut, but I was too into my whole ranting to notice.

"...I saw them and they were so perfect. Like the technicality was just..."

"...Miss Anand..."

"....so wow. I'm sorry Sir, I know I should've asked you first..."

"...MISS ANAND." He half yelled as I got out of my trance. There was something so gentle about his yell too. What had become of this cold man? When did he start emoting so much?

"Yeah?" I whispered sheepishly.

"You don't have to apologize. In fact, thank you for fixing my work, no matter what I did I just couldn't seem to get those designs right. You gave a whole new definition to it and I loved it. Well done."

My ears had longed to hear these words for an eternity.

I had imagined this scene so many times in my mind that it seemed more like a dream to me.

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