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There was something weird about the office on the presentation day; something that I was unable to understand, but that something managed to create an aura of nervousness in the whole design floor. Everyone looked nervous.

The result was that even I felt nervous.

"You prepared?"

I didn't have to look up from my laptop to know who was asking me that.

"Yep." I replied nonchalantly, knowing full well that Mihir was standing there expectantly and that my nonchalance was hurting him bad.

"Oh." His voice was so down and so sad that I almost turned around to sort things out with him; but then bit my lips. "You and Adrija have to go to the presentation room now. It'll start shortly."

A bitter taste filled my mouth at the mere utterance of that name from his mouth, reminding me just why I was treating him like that.


I pushed my chair back, grabbing all my design work and pen drive trying to walk past him; but stopped when Mihir stood blocking my away.

I looked at him questioningly,


"Aditi, I can explain-"

"-don't. I don't want to hear it."

I tried to walk past him but he only placed his hand firmly on the other workstation making it impossible for me to move.

"Please don't do this Aditi-"his eyes were pleading and it was making me feel terribly guilty.

My breath hitched; as I felt anger surge through me. This was an intense kind of anger that was filled with hurt, which made me feel so vulnerable that I knew that if he continued looking at me like that; I would break down; I would break down right in the middle of the office, early in the morning, five minutes before my big presentation. And I could not let that happen; because of which; the reaction that came out of me even took me by surprise.

"Mihir. Move."My teeth were gritted, and it sounded more like a snarl.

Sensing the intensity, Mihir backed off.

I walked past him, breathing that same mix of caffeine and male's cologne he always wore feeling a wave of nostalgia hit me.

I took a deep breath, gathering all the courage I possessed and quickened my pace towards the AV room when I felt his warm touch on my palm. I froze on my spot, another wave of anger and hurt stabbing my heart. I turned around halfway, gazing at him with all the intensity I could as he loosened his grip.

"I just...Good Luck." he paused, "Do well." And then, he walked away.

Wasn't he going to see my presentation too?

I didn't have the opportunity to dwell on that thought as Adrija walked past me muttering a little too loud for me to hear,

"Some people just need a room!"

My palms rolled into fists unconsciously as I dug my nails into them.

You will not break her nose Aditi. Instead, you'll give a better presentation in there and shut her up for good.

It was only when I entered the AV room that I realized why the office was in a state of hysteria. Right there, seated before me; next to Mr. Ahuja were none other than Mr. and Mrs. Ganguly.

Mr. Ganguly was a man in his early sixties with salt and pepper hair but a receding forehead. He had a grey moustache and hazel coloured eyes. Seated very confidently, he looked just like the founder of SENSES I had read of on the Internet.

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