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My eyes instantly darted to Mihir and I don't know if it was a coincidence but even he looked at me. I didn't know if I wanted to be angry anymore; I didn't know if I wanted things to go back to normal even. I had never felt more confused.

His eyes looked at me expectantly and then dropped to the piece of paper in my hand.

I then knew, that he knew I'd read his letter.

He looked like he had no idea as to how I would react. I didn't blame him. Heck even I didn't know how to react!

My eyes dropped down to the letter again,

I don't want to rub away his memories Aditi, I just want you to make new ones with me.

I don't know what kind of love this is; whether it is just friendship or something beyond that, but I love you and I need you.

If I hid my past from you, it was only because I was scared of losing you.

Please forgive me.

It was in that one moment that I realized that I had already forgiven him; I had forgiven him the very first time I'd seen the guilt in his eyes. I knew he genuinely regretted lying; it was only my confusion that prevented me from allowing him into my life again. I was confused as to what he was to me and I did not want to start something I wasn't sure of.

I have seen that weird intimacy you and Dev share; it's hard not to notice.

Weird intimacy? Do we share a weird intimacy?

I have never seen him look at a woman like that.

No he doesn't look at me like that!

Or does he?


"The first right from that gali...." I explained, walking out to the verandah looking at the driveway, speaking into the phone.

"...okay...um...The Abode you said; right?"

"Yes, The Abode Society." I answered, "...I can see your car!"

"Oh okay."

I quickly picked up my suitcase and handbag preparing to leave.

"Is he here?" Ma asked, referring to Mr. Ahuja who had come to pick me up for our flight to Goa.

"Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow evening." I informed; hugging her tight and then doing the same to Papa.

"Good Luck." They both grinned, and I smiled back, making my way for the exit of the house.

Sir was busy with his phone when I neared his car, this was the first time I saw him seated at the back seat, looking remarkably attractive. His black aviators highlighted his fresh, white T shirt and dark blue denims. On seeing me; he quickly unlocked the door slipping out of his seat.

The driver opened the dickey for me and I pulled the suitcase along when his huge palm cupped my tiny one,

"I'll do it." He said.

The warmth his palm radiated in the winter month of December and my erratic heartbeat at his deadly proximity resulted in emotions I had never experienced or even knew I would someday.

"Um...."I stuttered.

"Sir I'll do it!" exclaimed the driver, sprinting towards us at full pace.

"No I'll manage." Sir said coolly, which made the driver shut up and walk back to his seat in silence.

Mr. Ahuja looked at me one more time, as though asking me if I had anything to say; I didn't react; completely unaware as to how I should.

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