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Mr. Ahuja walked up to the reception to get our room keys, while I waited for him in the couch; my gaze unintentionally taking in his full frame from behind. I could only imagine what lay under that light blue shirt.

I stirred in my seat; realizing the last man I'd checked out this blatantly had been Aakash.

This was a day I never knew would come in my life.

I never thought I could think of a man the way I thought of Aakash.

But most of all, I didn't know a man could make me feel the way Aakash did.

Mr. Ahuja surprised me beyond anything I'd imagined. He walked into my life in the most surprising way and had quite effortlessly managed to knock the sense out of me. I could feel in my gut that this was not just a crush; I'd felt a spark around him even the first time we met.

I recalled how despite my history of getting nauseated out of nervousness on major occasions; his baritone had calmed my nerves in my interview. I even recalled how distracting his dimpled smile had been that day. Of all the things; however; I just couldn't get myself to ignore the expectations and the trust for my abilities I'd seen in his eyes for me when he offered me the post of a trainee. It was as though he was simply waiting for me to prove to SENSES my worth.

And yet I couldn't help but ask myself; why Mr. Ahuja?

I mean, Aakash and Sir had absolutely no resemblance whatsoever.

My mind had also started forming various new doubts with various new dimensions.

Could we possibly have a future together? Just dating; maybe.

Will he treat me the same once we're together?

I had never been in a proper, official relationship; and to hand my heart to someone a second time; exposing my vulnerable side seemed to frighten me.

Would he take advantage of it?

Will he love me back?

But most of all; will he stay?

I didn't have the strength to watch another person leave.

Mr. Ahuja settled on the seat next to me; handing me my keys with his breathtaking smile. He was about to start speaking when I felt the urge to ask him something that had bothered me for a while now. His bonhomie had been an indication that he was stretching a hand for friendship; and yet; I was nervous. I bit my lip out of uncertainty; watching his gaze drop down to my lips with an intensity in his eyes.

Another wave of doubts filled my mind. Why did I want to know how his lips would feel on mine? Is this just lust?

I mean; how much do we even know each other for me to conclude that this is not just a crush and something beyond?

For all I know; once I'll know how getting intimate with him feels; I'll lose all my interest. Possibly he'll lose interest too.

"Since you've asked me one personal question; I have one to ask you too; Sir." I found myself asking.


"Why did you want to know if Mihir and I were together?"

"I told you Ms. Anand; I need to ensure there is-"

"-the real reason; Sir. I want to know." I interrupted.

"I..." he looked away at that; indicating he wasn't ready to admit it. And I decided I'd wait.

"It's okay; you can tell me later."

His eyes locked to mine in the next instant; with an expression of gratitude. I looked down at my palms; fidgeting with the keys when he started.

"Mihir and I were in the same college. I was a senior of course..." he started, adjusting himself on the couch; "so I was in the cultural committees all the time. I loved designing and all. You know I've never wanted to specialize in only one thing. Designing should be in general right?" he paused, waiting for my answer.

"Right." I agreed.

"But when SENSES offered me a job in my final year; I couldn't help but ignore the fact that it was only interior designing and it was a job. Now Mihir was this over enthusiastic young guy. He would be present in all committee meetings, help with addressing the crowd during events and elections; a born orator. Clearly the kind of guy you would need to converse with the crowd....feeling cold?" he asked abruptly; noticing me rubbing my arms lightly.

"Um...kind of. It's bearable...continue"

"No wait; I have a jacket up in my room-"

"-Sir please; don't get so worked up. Continue."

"Are you sure?" He asked; doubtfully.


"So where was I? Mihir had excellent oratory skills and control over the crowd. When we had our Annual Programme that I was to design for; things went out of hand. He bought me time with an impromptu stand up; within which time span I fixed the ruined props and designs. And that was how we became friends." He paused; as though thinking over it; traces of nostalgia evident in the way he philosophically looked ahead.

"When SENSES employed me; it wasn't as big as you see it today. It had been in the industry for a good twenty years; but it was yet to make a big mark. The monotonous work environment created a need for someone who could interview and train recruits; who would bring a breath of fresh air into the company. Bold and out of the blue; Mihir's thought crossed my mind. Coincidentally; he was training for designing in one of the small design firms in Churchgate. I rang him up; offered him the post and the rest; you've seen."

Mr. Ahuja knew him for that long; his affection for Mihir; thus became completely understandable.

"I've seen that guy grow before my eyes Aditi. I don't know what's been happening between you two but you should know he's never going to hurt you on purpose."

"I know; Sir." I admitted; sinking into my seat; realizing I'd come to Goa literally leaving him hanging.

As I thought about all this; one more question instantly popped in my head and I blurted,

"Then you know about Adrija?"

He looked at me; surprised at my knowledge on that subject.

"He told you?"

I nodded lightly; as he muttered something under his breath that I couldn't catch.

"What about her?" he asked.

"She and him; things not working out...."

"I was always doubtful about their relationship. After all she practically owns SENSES and Mihir is just a trainee head."

To say I was surprised would be the understatement of the millennium. I blinked at him blankly as he asked,

"Did I reveal too much?"

"I...Adrija...owns SENSES?" I stuttered.

"Well technically. She's Mr. and Mrs. Ganguly's only niece."



So I'm back again; but with a short chapter. I'd written this chapter differently initially but when I reread it before publishing; I wasn't in the least satisfied so I wrote it all over again.

I can now declare that almost half of the story is complete. *sigh and sob*

Thank you everyone; for sticking to my story.

Shall see ya people in the next update. If you liked the chapter; remember to hit the star and comment. I absolutely love reading comments. <3

~kimayaa a.k.a. Ankita

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