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And many of you others(I'm sorry I couldn't find those comments) suggested time and again that I write a more detailed epilogue with a longer time leap so that you guys know what's happening with each character's life. I liked the idea.

I know I took exceptionally long and my writing is probably quite messed up as of today considering I've not written in forever, but I tried. :P

This is just the first part of the epilogue, I'll be uploading the rest in parts. :)

Do let me know how you like them.

~kimayaa aka Ankita


"No. Tuesday evening's not possible." He informed for the umpteenth time, his forehead creasing with lines of irritation.

"I have to be there with Aditi that's why!"

Biscuits, mayonnaise, jam.....

"Look, we know what my priorities here are okay?"

He pushed the trolley while speaking into the phone.

Butter. Where's the butter?

"You nee-"he stopped mid sentence, as his phone slipped out of the grip of his palms. He rolled his eyes up at the sky as he looked down at the reason for the mess.

Two deep, almond shaped eyes looked back at him with fear and his features instantly softened.

"And who are you running away from?" he asked playfully, as he knelt down on his knees at level with the little girl.

"I'm sorry." She slurred, her eyes shining with earnestness. He looked into her eyes, and smiled at her wild and curly hair.

"Don't be." He replied tenderly, as he picked up the little chocolate bar she was running with from the floor. "Oh. You can't have this anymore." With that, he turned back towards the chocolates section of the departmental store and pulled out a big bar of Dairy Milk for her. "Will this do?"

She beamed at him, almost ready to place her palm forth for the sugary delight.

"Pritha?" a feminine voiced called from a far.

The little girl's head snapped back almost instantly. He too looked back with surprise at how familiar the voice sounded.

No way.

When the woman finally came into view, he audibly gasped. Getting up from his stance, he dusted off his trousers.

After all these years....

"Mihir Malik." She spoke with surprise when their eyes met, equally shocked.

"Adrija Mukherjee." He replied, and upon realizing his mistake he corrected, "Sorry. Adrija Jaiswal."

Her eyes dropped down to the floor for a touch of a second, as she looked back up at him with one of her forced, fake smiles he remembered her flashing at people when she was in a situation she didn't like.

Adrija shook her head lightly. "Mukherjee."

If bumping into Adrija after all these years had shocked him, this revelation blew his mind.

What was she talking about? She'd married that bigshot! He'd read the articles and seen the pictures in the newspapers.

"Ma." A shrill voice called suddenly, and Mihir looked down at the little girl again, who pulled at the hem of Adrija's Tshirt demanding attention.

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