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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. My first reaction was to squint my eyes and close them shut tightly. But after being a little annoyed; I tried to move around my spot to see Dev right next to me.

His arm was wrapped around me protectively; and he was wide awake; studying me with amusement.

"What?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Your phone's ringing."

I rolled my eyes at that; as I turned on my side to face him.

"I know."

He smiled his gorgeous dimpled smile as he posed;

"You're not going to pick up?"


"It could be urgent."

"I'll call them back."

He smiled wider; which made my insides melt. He too turned towards me as he ran his fingers through my hair. I continued to gaze at him; feeling overwhelmed at the wonder with which he looked at me.

His thumb stroked my cheek again; as he touched my lips next.

"Have I ever told you how hard I had had to try not to ask for your number on your presentation day?" he said.

"Yeah you looked quite impressed that day."

There was silence for a bit after which he spoke,

"I'd wanted to kiss you that time we were on the beach in Goa."

I chuckled.

"Yeah right."

"I'm serious."

I blushed; looking away. "So what is this; a confession moment?" I asked.

"I thought you'd be curious."

"I am. Go on; flatter me." I grinned; as he chuckled lying on his back now.

He grinned as he sighed thoughtfully, "I hated to see Mihir flirt with you so much."

I shrugged, "That was more than evident, trust me."

"Really? I thought I was good at masking my reactions!"

"Oh you are!" I exclaimed, "I knew you were unhappy about whatever seemed to happen between him and I, but I always thought it was for the professional motive, you know? That you objected of the possible impact it would have on our work."

Dev nodded understandingly, "I think it was a little of both."

When silence ensued, I gazed at him quietly, and watched as he did the same. And then, he leaned in with a gentle press of his lips on mine,

"I haven't brushed my teeth Dev!"

He rolled his eyes at that, "Does it look like I care?"

"Oh but I do!"

"Then maybe you should stop." He'd grabbed me by my waist now, his lips very, very close to my lips.

"I do not give everyone a lift in my car; Ms. Anand."

The smile wiped off my face at the reference. The word car brought a certain tension in the room suddenly; as he seemed to let go with a start. We both quietened immediately, rising from the mattress.

"Please take the car; De-"

"-I can't Aditi. It's a really expensive gift and-"

I moved closer to him as I spoke with request; "You love that car. Besides; you're a businessman now Mr. Ahuja. You have to go meet big clients and no matter how judgemental I sound right now; a good attire and good car puts a good impression."

He didn't reply for some time; as he seemed to be deep in thought.

"You were the one who got me used to trains-"

"-because at that time it was needed. Now it's not. Besides Dev; I was going to buy a car; whether it's for me or you; what difference does it make?"

His lips seemed to curl at the sides lightly; but he seemed to restrict it.

"But you paid for it-"

"-I did. We'll share the car what say?" I suggested at last.

He seemed deep in thought for a while after which;

"Perfect. You drive the car when you need it...." he started, "....and you drive the car when you do." I completed.

He smiled; and with the Sun falling on his face I noticed for the first time how long his eyelashes were. Why had I never noticed these details?

"Just out of curiosity; how much did the car cost you?" He asked softly.

"It's a secret and will always remain with m-" My phone rang again; and I crawled out of the mattress; Dev's temporary bed to grab my phone that was getting charged.

It was my maid; who for some reason was calling me hysterically.

I speed dialled her number only to find it switched off.

I glared at the phone screen as I noted the time.

"Shit!" I exclaimed; as I got up rushing to the living room.

"What happened?" Dev asked; walking out too as he rubbed his eyes groggily.

"I have to rush home. My bai's supposed to come at twelve today and she just called; I don't know what she's up to...where are my clothes?" I asked; totally confused.

"I put them for drying near the window sill."

"Thanks. Now drop me home."


He was never going to let it show; but he was beyond happy about getting his car back and I could see that. I grinned; as I watched him drive the car smoothly through the Mumbai traffic.

Suddenly I was transported to the first time Dev ever gave me a lift. That hot and sunny day with a taxi strike; how scared I was; how nervous he'd made me.

The day was going perfect; waking up in Dev's arms, knowing that things were sorted, Dev accepting his car, two new contracts. What else could I possibly ask for?

But something kept bothering me.

A feeling that something wrong was about to happen; and at the same time a feeling that I was forgetting something important. But what?

Dev halted before my colony; bringing me back to the present.

"Thank you for the shirt." I said pointing at the shirt of his he'd given me the other night to wear. It was horribly comfortable; but most importantly; smelled of him.

He thought it suited me so much that he insisted I keep it. I couldn't refuse; and didn't talk it off even when we headed for my place.

I walked out of the car and waved at him quickly as I made way for the building when suddenly he called;


I turned around my spot only to be crushed into a tight hug. "Thank you so much."

He didn't say it; but I knew he meant the car that instant. He looked like a child who'd been given his favourite toy; simply adorable and I disengaged myself from the hug as I kiss his cheek replying; "You are most welcome."

I was grinning when I walked into the elevator and out of it; jingling my home keys.

He loves me.

I had just put the key into the keyhole when I suddenly heard an all too familiar voice say;

"Aditi? Where were you all this time?"

The hair on my back stood with alertness and shock as I turned around my spot slowly. I practically gasped to see my guess was right.


She was seated on the staircase in a set of western formals. And right there; next to her; was a gigantic suitcase.


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