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Disha's phone call had managed to rattle me all over again, but I really didn't blame her for it. When it came to Aakash, one step forward; always brought me ten steps back. And now, I had come back too far to know where I was headed.

Aakash was going to leave the country in a matter of a week, and I was not physically, emotionally or psychologically ready for it.

Organize a farewell for him?

I didn't even know if I would manage not to break down into a pool of tears upon seeing him after all this while!

"Is...everything okay?" Mihir's voice snapped me back to the present, reminding me of his presence.

"Yes." I smiled hastily, tucking a stray chunk of hair behind the curve of my ear consciously. If he noticed my sudden discomfort, he didn't make it obvious; giving me the space I needed that instant.

Our lemon tea and chocolate tart arrived there after, and Mihir pushed the china toward me, "Try the tart first. When you take a sip of the tea after that, the sweet and sour will hit the taste buds really well."

Mihir Malik surely was an indulgent man, diametrically opposite from me. But I seemed to enjoy his company like anything!

Amused but intrigued, I took a bite from the tart first; and then sipped at the tea. Sure enough, the mix of the two contrasting flavours tasted like magic on my tongue.

"Wow." I huffed with disbelief, and his eyes lit up with a smile that was contagious.

He took a bite from the same dish, and we fell into a comfortable silence for the next couple of seconds.

"You see that table over there?" he indicated at a cozy table at one corner of the café after a few moments.

"Yeah." I replied, taking yet another bite of the delicious sugary delight.

"That's my patented seat when I come here by myself."

I watched him eye the table longingly, again; seemingly stiffening at some thought at the back of his head.

"Do you enjoy being by yourself?"

Mihir gazed at me gravely, "I do now, but there was a time when it made me feel rather lonely. And you?"

I shrugged, "Depends. At this point in my life, no. It...sort of scares me, to be honest."

"I think I know how that feels."

I bit my lip unconsciously, now feeling the need to change the topic of discussion; for I didn't feel quite ready to answer any further questions he could ask about my previous confession.

But Mihir never pushed the conversation; and the rest of our snacking went by equally comfortably. By the end of our time at the café, I felt a weird, nagging sensation to spend some more time with him.

Not because I was finding myself getting more and more attracted to him in the romantic sense, but because I felt this serious need to understand his feelings for me better. I needed to know if we were on the same page.

After a quick mental debate and a brief verbal fight over who would take care of the bill, I decided I wanted to take the leap of faith and come to terms with reality as soon as possible.

"Do you have some more time?" I asked Mihir; as we stepped out of the restaurant.

He looked a little surprised at my question, but briefly glancing at his watch, nodded.

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