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The next two weeks were beyond hectic for Dev and I. First; we had to present our resignation letter.

We'd expected an extremely negative reaction from the Gangulys'. Instead; they not only wished us luck; but promised to support us in every way possible.

"You two remind me of my old days." He'd smiled; gazing at Mrs. Ganguly.

"Hrishikesh and I." Mrs. Ganguly had joined; and I couldn't ignore the love and respect with which they gazed at each other for a fleeting second.

I had wanted to hold Dev's hand that instant; but had recalled his cutting words;

I make the rules now.

No touching; no kissing till you're absolutely sure.

I'm sorry but I tried to be patient.

We had been asked to serve our notice period of three months; after which we could officially start off with 'Cups and Carpets'.

Mihir had returned within nine days of his departure; but Dev and I had had to leave for Delhi for the Airport project; and even after returning had been so caught up with the whole resigning business that we couldn't meet up with him.

He was beyond infuriated when he came to know. And Dev and I had to take him out for dinner and apologize sincerely for having kept him out of the loop; it had been totally unintentional anyway.

Mihir had somehow managed to get himself rejected from every prospective bride; and had finally taken a stand; informing his Mother about Mumbai; Adrija and his major heart break.

"I'm over her. But I need some time to be able to think of any other woman that way." He'd said; and I totally understood. It had taken me way more than some time to look at a man that way.

And then we had to go house hunting for Dev. It was literally the first time that I noted how proud Dev had been of his residence all these years. He'd lived in the town side of Mumbai; in a locality that easily fell under the top ten most expensive localities in the India and now that he had to leave; he seemed to have a tough time coping with it.

"No way will I live in the suburbs!" He'd complained; and I had had to scold him more than once to make him realize how big a snob he sounded like at that point in time. There was no way he could afford the rent for an apartment in the town; and he needed to understand that.

After days of disagreements; he agreed to check out some flats in the suburbs.

But oh no! Mr. Ahuja still wanted a spacious three bedroom apartment for himself.

It was on one such day; as we stood in one of the flats I had shortlisted for him that he complained;

"This is too damned small Aditi! I cannot live here."

I gazed at the broker a little uncomfortably as he very quietly left the two of us alone.

"It's a decent five hundred square feet apartment; Dev. What else do you need?"

"What else do I need?" he asked; widening his eyes.

I wanted to yell at him; I really did; for I couldn't believe him to be the same humble man I'd found myself developing feelings for; for the past one and a half years.

"Yes; Dev. What else do you need?"

"Well to start off with a bigger living room; there's barely any room for my couch-"

"-you mean the company's couch that you are not buying." I interrupted.

"Yes, but my study table-"

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