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Mihir wasn't in the state of standing; let alone walking. He'd downed a couple of more shots as per Dev; which meant we couldn't let him go back alone. Dev decided not to let Mihir go back to his apartment and offered to keep him at his place; and that's how we had to call it a night.

I sat at the back seat of Dev's sedan with Mihir; trying to make sure he was okay as we drove to his place.

I did not have a lot of experience with drunk people; which is why it fascinated me to see just how much shit one could speak when they were drunk. Mihir talked about random things in the most random order. He told me about his favourite colour, why he had a slight mark somewhere near his forehead and his fear of throwing up. He even revealed how much he missed his Mum's magical cooking.

It was touching; really; to hear how attached he was to his mother. I didn't recall him mentioning a lot about her in the span that we'd known each other. For some weird reason though; every time he felt giddy; he would grab my palm tightly and I would have to rub his back with consolations. It was like dealing with a child; and I felt this weird motherly affection towards Mihir that I couldn't describe in words.

"I don't want to puke." He chanted for the umpteenth time as I dabbed at his sweat trickling forehead with Dev's handkerchief.

"You won't." I tried to console.

From the car mirror; Dev glanced at me another time; his gaze freezing at our entwined palms and our proximity.

I wanted to laugh at the sight; couldn't he see the motherly love I was showering Mihir with? It was just that; this weird protective feeling that I seemed to suddenly develop for Mihir.

We halted before his place after a good thirty minute drive though his place was barely fifteen minutes away; courtesy the New Year's crowd. Marine Drive was literally so crowded that all we could see were heads!

Dev swiftly got out of the driver's seat and reached towards the back seat to retrieve Mihir who was once again chanting a weird mantra of sorts.

"Can you get my phone and my wallet?" Dev asked suddenly; as he tried to hold Mihir firmly.

I quickly did as was told and helped him with dragging Mihir in. We reached the entrance; and at this stage Mihir shifted all his body weight onto Dev. I grabbed the home keys from him and unlocked the door; stepping into his house.

Dev's house was huge for Mumbai standards. Being a coastal city; it was built mainly on reclaimed land. There was thus, a major space crunch in the city; making tall skyscrapers the only way of housing the huge population. Even in these skyscrapers; two bedroom apartments was a luxury. Which is why, when I stepped into a jumbo and spacious three bedroom apartment; I was beyond shocked.

There was a gigantic living room with mainly classy wooden furniture; a kitchen facing the entrance; and three bedrooms along the hall. He had placed a tiny two seat-er dining table close to his stunning kitchen. His kitchen; was just wow. There were neatly stacked utensils, the best fridge I'd ever witnessed and fresh groceries lined in a rack.

Is he into cooking? Because the kind of stuff he has; makes this place look like that of a professional's.

It was no doubt; a modular kitchen.

I broke out of my trance as quickly as I possibly could as I helped Dev pull Mihir along; and damn did he weigh a lot!

"Dev." Mihir tried to whisper; but it sounded more like a shout.

"Yeah?" Dev whispered back like you would to a child with impressive patience,

"You know it's high time you tell Aditi that you're into her."

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