Chapter 45 - Beat It

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Paris, France

The rising sun was peeking through the closed curtains of the hotel suite. My shadow danced across the wall as I worked it out to Gloria Estefan's Rhythm Is Gonna Get You. It was one of my favorite songs.

I was in my own little world with my black sports bra and sweats on. My torso was very much toned at this point, almost exactly where I wanted it to be.

Despite it being early in the morning, I had the music on full volume. In my head, I was on stage performing in front of thousands of people, thousands of screaming fans chanting my name.

I stopped, slid my right leg to my left and lifted my arms above my head. I didn't need the mirror; I just looked straight ahead to the wall and focused on my shadow. I watched as my torso flowed to the rhythm. I then started to shimmy my hips and twist my body all around.

I shut my eyes and I was really into it now.

I nearly fell over when a pillow flew across the room and hit my leg. I turned and saw Michael standing at the bedroom doorway. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear him.

I ran over to the stereo and turned the music off. "What?" I asked looking at him.

He leaned in the doorway. "You woke me, Button."

I started walking towards him. "I'm sorry. You usually sleep hard. I didn't think it would bother you." I was a little disappointed I didn't even get through the whole song.

"Just turn the volume lower," he mumbled before shutting the door, going back in the room.

I didn't know if I should've hit play again and just lower the volume like he asked or go back to my own room. The only problem was my room was too small for me to work out and dance in. Someone would most likely complain of the noise anyway.

So I just went in the room and I saw Michael lying back down. His back was towards me so I couldn't tell if he was really sleeping.

"Papa?" I walked around the bed to face him. "I'm going to head back to my room and get ready for filming."

The MTV network asked me to do a TV special on Michael's tour and show them around and such things. I was so excited for it! They would be around me the entire day. They were calling the hour long special "A Day on The BAD Tour." Filming was to begin at 8 a.m. and I needed to get ready for the cameras anyway an hour before, so I decided it was best for me to leave him then so I wouldn't get caught out of my room and in his.

That would be some scandalous footage for the show.

8 a.m.

"Hey guys, it's Shakira here, welcoming you to Michael Jackson's BAD Tour," I say to the camera in my hotel room.

Filming has begun and I'm trying to be myself but it was uncomfortable at first because I wasn't used to having cameras follow me around all day. It was 12 hours before show time so I had to really do some entertaining.

I decided to go around and introduce them to my band mates. Greg, Jennifer, Darryl, and others were interviewed.

12 p.m.

Jennifer accompanied me out for the day. We didn't have to start hair and make-up until 3 so we went out shopping for a little bit.

Soon enough, people started noticing Jennifer and I and the cameras and they began to bum rush the store and go berserk. We never needed security when we were out so I was a little scared. Hell, to be honest I was terrified. They thought Michael was there.

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