Chapter 34 - Wondering Who

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"Hey," I said trying to get his attention.

Michael looked away and turned his body around like he didn't want Lissy to notice she didn't know she was at his concert.  She was bound to see him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him tapping his arm.

He shook his head and tried to pretend to be preoccupied with a side conversation between Frank and Greg.

I turned around and walked over to the ladies, giving them big hugs.  "Do you want to take a picture with Michael?" I asked them.  I anxiously waited two seconds for Lissy to answer.

"No thank you.  I just want to see the show."  She looked beautiful as ever again.  Her hair had big bouncy curls falling past her shoulders and she wore a pretty black blouse with some jeans and heels.  Not too flashy, not too casual.  She was still turning heads...including Michael's.

I introduced her to the band and they were drooling like I imagined.  I was in my glory.  Then Frank came over and interrupted.


That was the first time I ever heard anyone call her that...I didn't even realize that was her real name.

"Hello Frank," she said with a smile and then they hugged casually.

I was so damn confused.  Greg came over and hugged her too.  How did she know them?  I kept thinking and thinking and then I said, 'Oh no Shakira.  Please don't tell me you brought your boyfriends ex-girlfriend here?!'

"What brings you here?" Frank asked her as the band wandered away and it was just me, him, and her now.  Siedah was nearby, engaged in a side conversation.

"I was invited by Ms. Shakira," she said lightly brushing my shoulder.

"Oh.  Figures.  So are you two going to work together?"

She nodded her head.  She was being very casual with him, like she had something against him but she just had to be cordial in the situation.

"You want to see Michael?" he asked.

"No, thank you.  I just came to see the show."

"Thank you for coming."

She nodded her head again.  "You are very welcome."  She looked around at everyone.

I felt awkward in between the two of them and I was ready to walk away but then I noticed Michael walking towards us.  I stayed right where I was.  I just had to hear what he had to say to her.

"Melissa, I had no idea you were coming."  He had a phony smile plastered across his face.

"Well I wasn't invited," she said smirking with the same phoniness.

"I'm sorry," he said tilting his head to the side.  "But thank you for coming."

"Are you kicking me out?" she asked as Michael was ready to turn around and leave.  But she caught his attention.

"Why are you here anyway?"  It seemed the phoniness was fading and some realism was spreading in the air.

She rolled her eyes at him and turned around to walk away.  I watched her tap Siedah on the shoulder and whisper something in her ear.  She then began strolling away and Siedah followed behind her.

Michael turned to Frank and asked him the same question.

"She was invited by Shakira."

"I'm sorry?"  Michael leaned in to hear Frank repeat himself.

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