Chapter 43 - Lookin' Through the Windows

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May, 1988

We just finished our last shows of in Minneapolis.  We were heading to Europe but Michael and I were going on a romantic getaway first.  Where to?  Our home.

We rode there in a limo, sitting next to each other, hand in hand.  I was happy to finally get to be alone with him.  Even though he asked me to move in, I still didn't fully feel like this was going to be my home.  It was still his in my eyes.

We finally arrived at the gate.  Slowly, they opened and the limo began pulling in. And...there was so much land

"Oh, I didn't know this was like a community home." 

"Pardon?" he asked looking at me attentively.

"What is this?"

"It's a ranch."

Now, I had no idea what this place was going to look like.  I never saw pictures and he never said much about it.  So I was absolutely blown away when I realized the whole thing belonged to him.

"I own the entire land," he added.


"It's around 3,000 acres."

"What?!" I finally blurted out.  "Where are you going to live?"

"Well we're driving up to the main house now but there's also an amusement park and zoo.  Plus other amenities."

"Like what?"

"A theatre, a library, a night club-"

"Night club?"

"For parties and stuff," he giggled.  "What's wrong?"  He squeezed my hand for comfort.

The car stopped in front of a huge house. 

"This is too much," I said staring out the window.

"No, it's perfect for me.  It's my own little world, my own private space."

Well yes, he was right.  It was perfect for him.  But now I felt like an intruder. 

We stepped out the car together.  There was a line of maids and chefs, lined up on both sides of the door, waiting to greet him.  I felt like I was in a movie.

"Hello, welcome, Mr. Jackson," they all seemed to say with a head nod as he walked up the pathway to the front door. 

He stopped in the middle of it to turn and grab my hand.  "Come on."

I didn't say anything.  I just walked inside with him.

"I really wanted to show you the zoo and everything else first but I guess this is our first stop."

"Are there really animals here?"

He chuckled at my amusement.  "Yes but they're not all here yet.  Everything isn't completely done but the main house is so I'm able to officially move in today."

A man walked us around the house and gave us a tour.  It was amazing.  The life size human statues were my favorite.  They were incredible.  Everything was mostly made of wood.  There was a very antique feel to the house but magnificent, as if it was a palace residing in England.  And the amount of art in the house was astonishing. 

"Now all we need is a portrait of Shakira on the wall," he said to the guy.

They both laughed.  I guess the guy knew who I was...I'm not sure.

There were five bedrooms in the house.  One of the rooms he titled 'The Elizabeth Taylor Suite' which I thought was sweet.  We had only just seen four of the rooms so then I jokingly asked which was mine.

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