Chapter 41 - You Are There

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"Michael Joseph Jackson."  I walked into the bedroom of his suite to see him fully emerged under the covers with the lights low.  I shut the door softly and stepped over to the side of his bed.  The room was very warm and smelled of menthol.  The sound of the humidifier was soothing.  I reached over to gently pull the covers off of his head.  "It won't help if you're hiding under the covers."

His eyes remained closed but I saw him trying to smile.  I must've waked him.  "You're here?"

"Yes.  It's me."  I chuckled and nudged him.  "Move over."

He scooted back a little and I sat down adjacent to him on the bed.  "What are you doing here?  You're supposed to be with your family."

"You hung up on me."  I made sure to keep my tone peaceful.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.  He opened his eyes and his gaze was instantly on me.  "You were accusing me."

I didn't respond.  I just stared into his eyes and smiled.  I can see in his eyes he really was sick.  I placed my hand over his forehead and felt down cheek and neck.  "You're warm, baby."

My touch caused his eyes to close as he went into relaxation.

"What hurts?  Has the doctor seen you in the last hour?"

Slowly, he shook his head from side to side.  "He told me to rest after giving me medicine that made me sleepy."

I didn't like the sound of that but what cold medicine doesn't make you drowsy?

"Baby?" I asked as he was dozing off.

"Hmm?"  He kept his eyes shut.

"What hurts?"

"My throat, my whole body aches."

"My angel.  I'm sorry."  I ran my fingers through his hair.  I knew how relaxing that was to him.  I did this for a few minutes actually.  Just silently sitting there, looking at him rest.  I forgot I was supposed to be mad at him.  I was just happy to see him resting.  I wanted him to get better.

I thought he was fast asleep but then he spoke softly.  "Hey?"


He put his hand on my wrist and let it rest there.  "I had a dream about us."


"Just now."

I laughed. 

"Well, before you came."

"What about?"

He smiled before confessing.  "We were on stage in Spain.  And we were singing together."  He paused.  I thought maybe he drifted off to sleep again.  "Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu.  And the crowd loved it."

"Awww."  How sweet.  "Maybe we can really do that?"

"If so, we must start rehearsing right away because I would need all the practice I can get."

"Awww, baby," I laughed.  "We can definitely find time for us to practice.  You'll be great."

I ended up staying with him all night and doctored him myself.  He wasn't completely better the next day but he was definitely better.  Personally, I could tell he wasn't as energized during the concert but his fans couldn't.  They loved it and so did my family and friends.

I couldn't wait to perform again the next day but once again, I was disappointed.

"Don't be mad at me, but we're not doing the show today," Frank told me over the phone.

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