Chapter 33 - Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin'

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I was speechless when I walked into Lissy Bell's penthouse.  It was more breathtaking than when I arrived to Michael's home in Encino.  Everything was white and gold and looked to be worth a million bucks.  I felt like I was in a hotel or better yet a palace.  Wall size oil paintings with solid gold frames, beautiful chandeliers, life size Goddess statues... she had very expensive taste.   Does it get any better than this?

"Hello, my love?" Lissy said with open arms for her cousin Siedah.  They gave each other a long warm hug.  I could tell they had not seen one another in a while.

She then looked at me with the same joyous smile.  "Shakira?"

"Yes."  I put out my hand and she grabbed it only to pull me in for a warm embrace.

"Oh girl, you can hug me too," she giggled.

Definitely not a bitch.  "Thank you for inviting me to your home.  It's absolutely beautiful!"

"Thank you so much, my dear.  Come, come."  She grabbed my hand and walked me further into the house.  She was such sweetheart and her warm hand made me melt inside.  I hadn't felt that way since Michael first hugged me.

She took us in a room, I guess a sitting room, and we got comfortable on the white leather couch.  She and Siedah were having small talk and I was just staring at her, admiring her beauty.  She had big, almond shaped eyes and a mole, or as I like to call it beauty mark, right above the right corner of her mouth.  It reminded me of Marilyn Monroe, though she had a Dorothy Dandridge glow.  Her curls were down and she was wearing just a plain sleeveless white shirt with the whitest cotton pants I'd ever seen.  They looked incredibly soft.  And she smelled heavenly, like something sweet...

A tap on the knee broke me out of my obsessing.  "So you're on tour with Michael Jackson?"  She had the most beautiful smile.  "How is it? Fun?"

"Yes, I'm having a great time."

She tilted her head to look me straight in the eyes.  "Is he nice to you?"

I replied by laughing and nodding.

"Good."  She playfully hit my arm and I noticed the huge diamond on her middle finger...and the beautiful diamond bracelet on her wrist...and the diamond studs in her ears.  Damn.

"Do you know Michael personally?"

She looked puzzled trying to find an answer.  She then looked to her cousin and then quickly back at me.  "No."

I laughed because I felt there was more to the story.  "No?"

"Nope.  Not anymore anyway."  Before I could question her, she cut me off.  "So tell me about what really brings you here?"

"Well..."  My focus quickly snapped back to my music.  "I just got signed to Michael's label and-"

"Michael's label?"

"I'm sorry."  Shakira, watch yourself!  "Epic."

"Oh okay," she chuckled.

"And I'm putting out my debut album when the tours over but while I'm on the road I plan on doing a lot of writing and I actually started already."

"That's good."  She seemed interested.

I lifted my shoulders, taking in a deep breath before asking her.  I let them fall, noticeably, slowly.

"Girl, what's wrong?" she asked laughing along with Siedah.

"I'm sorry."

"Please, don't be nervous around me.  I'm nothing like the tabloids portray me as.  I won't bite your head off.  It'll be just a simple yes or no."

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