Chapter 29 - Free

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I laid with Michael in his hotel room.  I didn't want to be alone that night so I went over to his.  We were nestled under the covers together and I was falling asleep.  My body was so tired.  We just got done with our first show in Kansas City.  I could only imagine how Michael must've felt.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked with my eyes shut.

"Yes, why?"

It was dark and I only pictured him with his eyes closed as well.  He sounded very drained.  "Mm..."  I couldn't get any words out.  But then I started thinking back to the show.  During the third song, Another Part of Me, Michael had a little wardrobe malfunction with his pants.  His zipper was down and he only noticed in the beginning of this third song of the show.  Then I kept thinking to myself, 'hmm, why was it unzipped in the first place?' and I instantly thought of Tatiana.

"Goodnight, My Love," he groaned.

"Michael?"  My overworking brain woke me up.


"Why were your pants unzipped?"

He started giggling.  "I rushed to the bathroom before the show.  Must've forgotten.  I wasn't thinking."

"Oh."  I don't know why I was freaking out so much about having Tatiana on the tour with us.  I just really didn't want her there.  Michael turned me into a control freak and I wanted him all to myself and everything my way or the highway, including his own shows.  But of course, that wasn't going to happen.  But I just kept thinking soon I'll be able to control my own shows.

I fell asleep and dreamt of me on stage.  It was something I always dreamt about.  I was happy it was finally happening for me, for real this time.  When I was 13 years old I got signed to an indie record label.  I actually made two albums with them but I was dropped after the second was a complete flop.  That's when I formed my own band with Jose and some friends and somehow my dreams got lost in his. The music we sang was never really me.  I felt like I was in a mariachi band most of the time.  I love all Latin music but it just wasn't my style.  It had no edge to it and every song was about us being in love and all these fairytales that we made up.  I can sing a good fairytale but it's hard to make it genuine when you can't speak from experience...

When I woke up just four hours later, the sun hadn't even fully come up yet.  It was pretty dim in the room but I could see Michael staring at me very clear.  "What are you looking at?" I asked smiling.

"You are so cute when you sleep," he said softly with a snicker.  "You have the cutest little button nose.  Your whole face is just so small and round and...cute."

"Umm, thank you?"

He began giving me the sweetest little kisses on my nose which made me giggle.  "I'm gonna just call you Button for now on."

"Button?"  My eyes grew wide and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Yes because you're as cute as a button."

"Aww thank you, Babe.  Now I have think of a cuter name for you."

"Yeah, okay," he said giving me one last peck.

"So how long is Tatiana going to be on tour with us?"  God, why am I even asking...

"Umm, she's not scheduled for the whole tour.  Why?"  He sat up and got off the bed.  I don't know why he was up so early.

"I wanted to meet up with her.  I want her to feel welcomed."

He didn't respond.  He just continued going through his suitcase for something.

"I was told you informed the band to stay away from her though."

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