Chapter 28 - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

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It felt strange in rehearsals without her.  I didn't hear her voice in the harmonies and we didn't rehearse Can't Stop Loving You. I was missing her already.  Full dress rehearsals are crucial and I couldn't wrap my head around how she was able to convince me to letting her miss them for her NYC meeting with Sony. 

Shakira may have missed the two concert rehearsals in Florida but she met us in Kansas City on the 22nd of February.  We were to open the North American leg of the tour the next day.   I was very excited to rehearse with her and everyone for the last time.  There was just one small thing I left out when talking to Shakira before she boarded her flight.  Tatiana Thumbtzen.

"Hey Mike," Greg began over the phone in a worrisome tone.  "Shakira just arrived here and I was thinking maybe you or we should introduce her to Tatiana before we all head off to rehearsals."

I rolled my eyes at the suggestion.  "No, no, no, it's okay."

"She'll be caught off guard."

I sighed because a part of me felt he was right.  "I don't really have time for this though."  I wasn't even staying at the same hotel as the band.  "You can introduce them. I'll meet you guys in rehearsals."

"Okay," Greg forcibly agreed.

One Hour Later

The Marriott Plaza


I walked down the hotel's hallway to Greg's room, the sound of my heels silenced by the carpeted floor.  Once I stopped in the front of the designated door, I knocked three times and a man opened within seconds. 

As soon as I saw Greg had company, an alarmed look grew on my face.  "Hi," I breathed out slowly.  I took my time walking closer to them all.

A girl smiled and waved at me.  She was beautiful and that kind of bothered me on the inside because I didn't know why she was there...and why she was sitting so closely to Michael.

Frank was there too but I mostly ignored his presence.

Greg walked a little closer to me and placed his hand on my back.  "We just wanted to introduce you to Ms. Tatiana Thumbtzen."

I continued to stare at her.  "Hi," I said with only one corner of my mouth lifted.  I then looked to Michael who was hiding behind his Ray Bans.  "Who is this?"  I asked nodding towards her.  I really didn't have any courtesy towards her feelings in the moment.

"She's your replacement."  I can tell by his smile he wasn't serious.

Greg giggled and I just scowled towards him.

Tatiana spoke, trying to ease the tension she saw on my face.  "I'm just here for the one song, that's all."

"What song?"  I wasn't giving up my duet with Michael.

"The Way You Make Me Feel."

"Oh."  All I was to do with that performance was prance around in my heels as Michael chased after me.  I loved it in rehearsals and I wasn't really excited about giving it up but staring so long at the girl, I noticed she was from the video...and then that's when I got pissed off and felt myself rapidly growing warm.  "Well..."  I extended my hand towards her.  "It's nice to meet you."

She shook my hand.  "Nice to meet you too, Shakira."

With that, I just turned around and walked out of the room.  Greg ran after me, letting the door shut behind him.

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