Chapter 36 - Man of War

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After the last song, Michael ran off stage and left the building before everyone else as usual. The band sang a little bit longer as his guests started to disperse. Once we were free to go, I headed towards backstage and I was immediately grabbed by Frank.

"Come with me," he demanded.

I was planning on saying goodbye to Michael's family but this seemed urgent. He brought me to an exit door where a van was waiting for me. The door was opened up and Frank stepped inside with me. He slammed the door shut and the van took off.

"What's going on?" I asked sitting back in my seat across from him.


I was looking at him trying to figure out what he meant. "Michael what?"

"He wanted me to take you to the hotel."

"Okay," I said softly, looking out of the window. I was never whisked away like this after a show so I knew something was going on. Then I remembered...the kiss. That had to be the only reason why I would be thrown in a van immediately after the show. "Does this have anything to do with Tatiana?"

Frank stared down at his lap. He didn't answer me.

So then I figured my mind wasn't playing me and I really did see what I thought I saw. "She kissed him."

"You didn't see it?"

"I thought I was bugging. It was like two seconds." I was having an extreme delayed reaction. It was just then, at that moment, I felt myself getting all riled up.

"Well everyone saw it. Everyone. And Michael felt it. And he's pissed. He didn't want you going after Tatiana so he wanted to be sure I take you as soon as you got off the stage."

I shrugged my shoulders. I felt disrespected. I just had a talk with her about my relationship with Michael and she goes and kisses him on the stage. I then started thinking of his family. "Frank, I just met his sisters." I couldn't even imagine how they felt about it. They probably thought I was lying about dating their brother. I was so embarrassed. "I have to talk to her."

"No way."

"It's not an option," I demanded, pointing my finger at him. I was infuriated now. "As soon as we get to the hotel, I want to talk to her!"

He started laughing at me. The same way Michael did earlier.

I know I was a small Colombian girl with a cute accent to American ears but when I was angry like this and people would just giggle and "aww", it was frustrating. I still needed to be taken seriously.

"We're not going to your hotel. Michael is making me take you somewhere else."

"Somewhere else?" What the hell does that mean?

"Look, The Grammys were last night, Michael Jackson is in was hard to find a room but we have one. It's not most luxurious but you'll have to be there until morning."

I laughed at him. This just all sounded ridiculous. It was very unnecessary for them to move me miles away to a completely different hotel from Tatiana. "Why? This is so childish. I'm not going to do anything to her. I just want to talk to her."

"Michael thinks it's best you go somewhere and just calm yourself down and in the morning, after she checks out, we're going to have you back in your room."

"Why is she checking out?"

Frank was jumbling over his words.


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