Chapter 50 - One Day In Your Life

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I was taken back to my original hotel.  Michael left with Lissy.  I was sitting in my small hotel room, on the floor in the corner with a blanket wrapped around me.  I felt so hurt.  I knew why he didn't have me go back with him but I didn't like that she was there and I wasn't.  So I just sat there, biting my nail, deeply thinking about them.  I really liked Lissy and we got along well but I didn't want her anywhere near Michael.

As soon as my phone rang, I jumped up and ran over to it.  "Hello?"

"Baby?" I heard Michael say softly.

I shut my eyes and exhaled.  "Hi."

"She's in the bathroom.  I'm so sorry.  I had no idea she was coming."

"It's nice to know you're thinking of me."

"Of course I am.  I always am."

I smiled deep down inside.  "I want to be with you."

"I know but she wants to stay with me."

"Why?  For what?"

"It's a long story.  I'll explain later."

"Can you explain now?"

"I can't.  It's just something that I've been doing lately that's got her all worried."

"You mean your sleepless nights?"  I was just as concerned as her.  "So you can talk to her about it but not me?"

"Please, don't be mad at me."

I slammed the phone down on the receiver and started crying.  I reached under the lamp and flicked the light off.  I was so disappointed in him.  A small part of me could understand but the rest of me was overpowering with jealously.  As the phone began to ring again, I slipped under my covers and fully submerged myself. 

I just ignored it.

I tried to sleep the jealously and disappointment off.   It wasn't working too well.  I needed to talk to someone and I knew exactly who to call.  I took the covers off my head and turned the light back on, just reaching over.  I made a long distance phone call to St. Louis and prayed she would answer.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice yawned.


"Buttercup?"  She sounded confused to hear it was me.  "What's wrong?  You should be sleeping."  She was always so good at keeping up with our time difference no matter how far apart we were. 

"I'm sad," I said, wiping my tears.

"What's wrong?" I could tell she just sat up in her bed. 

She's my best friend, Kerry.  After Darryl, she became my second best friend.  She's like a sister from another mister.

I explained to her what happened with Michael and Lissy.  She had a good ear.

"I find it very inappropriate for her to be in his room all night.  I don't care what kind of friendships he has with his female friends.  If it makes you uncomfortable, then it shouldn't be happening. I warned you, Buttercup, about dating these superstars."

I sighed heavily.  "I know but...I really love him I'm just...I don't know."

"The fact that you two have had so many bumps on the road already scares me.  What do you think will happen when the tour is over?"

"I don't know," I said softly.

"He's a horrible boyfriend.  I think you need to just come to reality with the fact that 'Michael Jackson' can't be in serious relationship with anyone.  He sucks at it."

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