Chapter 38 - I Want You Back

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(still) Late Night of March 3, 1988 

It was late, very late into the crazy night I was having but I had to see Lissy.  It was now or never.  It wasn't the best time but it was the only time I had.  She was back to work the next day and I would be too busy to fit her in my schedule so this was the only time we had to talk. 

I should've been by Shakira's side, calming her of any worries she had of my devotion to her, but I made a promise to myself to fix this.  I missed having Lissy in my life and I didn't want her to hurt anymore.  I was afraid to bring up the situation that tore us apart but I had to face it. I still didn't understand it.

She greeted me at the door with a warm smile and matching embrace.  I took in her sweet scent and moved my hand along her back, getting my fingers tangled in her hair.  "I'm sorry," I said looking at her.

"It's okay."  She led me to the den. 

The house was very dark and I know it wasn't my tinted shades.  She had the chandelier lights dimmed and candles lit in every place you can imagine.  It made the place smell heavenly.

"Did you forget to pay the light bill?" I joked as I walked in the den with her. 

She giggled.  "No.  It's late.  It's midnight.  Lights go out at 10 around here."

I laughed at her.  She reminded me of my sister LaToya.  So particular about things.  

We sat on a small sofa together with only two large seat cushions.  She had the fireplace going and lit candles centered on the table before us, both giving off an apple cinnamon aroma.  I felt at peace after the crazy night I had.

She grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around her bare arms.  "Michael, I swear I'm not trying to seduce you," she said chuckling. 

I smiled at her and took a look around the small, but extremely comforting, room again.  "This is very romantic," I teased.

She tried holding in her laugh.  "No, I'm not trying to be."

"I know.  I'm just teasing."

"I just very much appreciate natural light at this time of the night.  It relaxes me and I definitely need that right now."

"It may be too relaxing.  I hope not to fall asleep."

She grabbed the ends of her hair and began stroking it while looking at me.  "If so, I'll be sure to leave you at peace.  But it might be a little bit brighter if you took off the shades."

I forgot they were on.  "I apologize."  I took them off and set them on the table.  I sat back in the corner with my legs spread opened and my elbow resting on the leather arm of the sofa.  I was trying to ease myself.  "I hardly get nervous, Lissy."  I was shaking my head with a smile, fixing my black leather jacket.

"Don't be nervous.  You can't be as nervous as me right now."

The moment became awkward.  I stared ahead at the fire and began thinking of Shakira.  She would kill me if she knew where I was.

"Where do we start?" Lissy asked with a tremble in her voice.

I shrugged my shoulders and then looked at her.  "Well, I don't really understand why we stopped talking."

She was in the opposite corner with her feet up under her.  "I don't know."

"I kept trying to reach out to you after the argument and you ignored me."

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