Chapter 32 - Give it Up

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March 3, 1988 -NYC

Tatiana seemed like a nice girl and I didn't want any bad blood between us because she didn't know the full truth.  I was now aware that she and Michael may have had something going on.  Miko told me she was filling his ears with nothing but 'Michael talk.'  She was trying to pursue him and she truly believed they were in love but everyone was trying to keep them apart.  He said she was calling Michael's personal assistant Jolie every day to speak to him but he still hadn't gotten back to her yet.  Maybe if I wasn't in the picture they would make a cute couple but I was here and I wasn't going anywhere.  

I thought she had the right to know the truth.  So I decided to invite her to my room the next morning so we can chat.  Of course Michael didn't know.  He would've killed me if he knew I was doing this probably.

I opened the door wide and welcomed her with a smile.  "Hi, honey."

"Hi."  She looked very excited to see me.  She gave me a hug as she walked inside and I shut the door behind her.  She was stunning in her black skirt and sparkling silver top.  Her hair was out in curls, just as mine.  "Thank you so much for inviting me to talk you.  It's a breath of fresh air.  I've been stuck to Miko's ass the whole time I've been here on tour," she giggled.

"Awww.  Well I thought we should talk about some things."  I invited her over to sit with me on the small love seat by the window.  I had drinks in front of us on the table so she could help herself whenever she felt herself becoming parched from my coming interrogation.  I wanted to get straight to it.  I was short on time, having to meet Frank about something very important.

We turned inward to face each other.  "So you've been touring with him since September?" she asked me.

I nodded my head.  "Yup.  But umm..."  I looked down trying to figure out how to ask her, or what to ask her exactly.  I should've drafted this earlier.

"What's wrong?" she asked smiling at me.

"I wanted to ask you about yourself and Michael."

She sighed and looked away with dreamy eyes.  "Well," she looked back at me.  "I've been trying to get him alone ever since I've been here but it's hard."

"Alone for what?"

"To say 'thank you.'  For bringing me along on the tour.  When we did the video, at the last scene, he said to me 'don't worry.  We'll see each other again' and I guess this is what he was talking about.  I'm so excited to be here and I just want to properly thank him."

My eyebrow arched and the corner of my mouth pulled itself up.  "That's it?"

"Well, if you're asking if we have something going on then the answer is yes.  Sort of.'"

"Why sort of?"

"I feel like everyone is trying to keep us apart.  There were definitely sparks flying on the set back in September and on the set of his video a couple of months ago."

"You did another video with him?"  I had no idea about this.

"No.  But he did a video for his song Leave Me Alone and I was invited on set."

"When?" I asked alert.

"In January."

Why did I not know about this?  "He invited you personally?"

"Vince called me and said Michael wanted me to come."  

"Oh."  Vince was one of Michael's choreographers. I smiled because I couldn't let her see me sweat.  I had to tell her the truth.  But before I could open my mouth she pulled out some pictures.

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