Chapter 51 - Farewell My Summer Love

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Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena

January 27th, 1989

Final Concert

I couldn't believe this was the final time.  This was really the last time I would be on stage with these wonderful people who were now my family.  I knew I would miss it so much.  I felt myself getting emotional while singing Man in the Mirror.  But I knew it wasn't marking the end for me.  It was marking the beginning.

After the song, everyone stopped the music so Michael could say his last goodbye.  After this, they would no longer see him.  Like I mentioned before, he always left the shows before the band.  He hugged everyone, walking around the stage, making sure not to skip anyone.  We all hugged each other as well.  I kept myself from crying.  I was gonna miss performing with my crew so much!

I hugged Dorian tight.  "I'll miss you, sis," he said in my ear.

"I'll miss you too!"  I let go and waited for Michael to come to me.  We embraced each other as if we were never going to see each other again.

He held me so tight, like he didn't want to let go.

"Don't worry, you'll see me later," I said in his ear laughing.

"I know but thank you so much.  For everything."  He let go and looked at me.  He looked so sad.

"I love you," I said smiling.

He just nodded and walked past me to someone else.

I didn't take offense.  I just walked back to my mic stand. 

He picked up his flowers and thanked the crowd.  The band started playing Man in the Mirror again as everyone started to disperse.  Michael sang a few more lines.  Then he was off.

But before he left the stage, I took note of the way he looked at me.  He looked at me as if he had done something wrong.

I didn't worry too much about it on stage.  I just kept singing and waited to be reunited with him after the show at home. 

But then Frank informed me backstage that Michael wasn't returning home.  He said he had to travel for an award show he was to attend in a few days.  He was talking about The American Music Awards. I understood, though, I didn't understand why I couldn't stay in Neverland.  I guess no one wanted to drive me back there.  I didn't bitch about it.  I just stayed at a hotel until he was able to come back to me.

I waited for Michael for days.  He never came.  He never even called.  Frank said after the award show, he had to fly out of the country.  I was pretty upset about it because it was my birthday February 2nd and I had to be without him.

I at least received a phone call from him but it was literally under a minute.

"Hey, baby.  Happy Birthday.  I miss you," he said sounding rushed.

"I miss you too.  When are you coming home?  And when can I go back home?"

"What do you mean?  Where are you?"

"I'm still in a hotel.  Frank said-"

"That's nonsense," he said talking over me.  "I'll make sure someone takes you to the house as soon as possible.  Sometime today.  I won't be home though."

"I know.  Baby, they want me to record in Miami."

"Miami?  That's so far away from me."

"Yeah I know.  You can come along."

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