Chapter 27 - Body

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Michael was mad at me...or offended.  In his eyes, I was too much into my coming fame to be wary of his feelings.  I felt bad but I always promised myself I wouldn't let anything get in the way of what I was put here on Earth to entertain, to inspire, to push people to go after their dreams, to make sure no child gets unnoticed.  My Barefoot Foundation, Pies Descalzos Foundation, is headquartered in Colombia and aims towards helping poor and impoverished children.  I and my family started it years ago and with this tour, which has already been a success, and this upcoming record deal, I knew I was going to be able to do so many things for my organization, the things that I have been waiting for.  I guess I just didn't know how to manage being in love with someone like Michael at the same time.  Someone so powerful and iconic and someone kept under the world's surveillance. 

He said he wanted to tell the world about us because he was simply in love with me but selfish or not, it just wasn't enough for me to give in.


Shakira had to fly to New York.  She would be missing three days of rehearsals while I would be simply missing her.  Something told me she wouldn't even be thinking of me though, except only when she's in the meeting negotiating her deal.  Then she would hear my voice and remember everything I've taught her for the past week.

I begged her to come to my suite before she left for the airport.  Yes, begged.  I had to beg my girl now to say goodbye to me. 

I don't know why she was acting so distant.   We would talk business after rehearsals and then she would leave.  She seemed very enthusiastic about everything I was teaching her.  But that was just it; she was excited about her new profound knowledge of the music business, not because of me.  I sound selfish but...I can't help it.

As soon as she stepped through the door, I held her close to my body and she naturally rested her head on my chest.

"I won't be gone that long," she murmured.  She looked up at me to stare into my eyes.  "What's wrong?"  She wrapped her arms around my torso.

"I just wanted to say goodbye and you gave me a hard time."

"I'm so anxious to go and get it over with already.  I'm sorry."  I could confirm the sincere apology in her eyes. It made me smile. 

I tucked my bottom lip and my mouth and held it there.  I narrowed my eyes just staring into hers in silence.  We were telepathically speaking to each other.  She glanced over at the clock in back of me.  She wanted me but knew she had no time.  She began smirking and I leaned in close to her.  My forehead rest on hers and she brought her lips forward to kiss me.

"I have ten minutes."

"Just ten?" I whispered on her lips.

"Yes so do what you want with me."

"Ten minutes isn't long enough for me to do what I want to do to you."

She slid her fingers in my hair and I felt a tug on my ponytail before she let it loose.  She ran her fingers through my hair, fluffing it out. 

"So this is how you want to spend the ten minutes?"

She stopped and slid her hands down to my neck.  She began massaging it with her fingers.  I squeezed my eyes shut and a memory of her fucking me distracts me from reality.  I never had a stronger sexual chemistry with anyone before.  Maybe because I was truly in love this time with someone who was just as much in love with me.

I always thought, if she'd left me, I would never be the same.

My eyes flew open when I felt her sucking on my neck.  My body became feeble and I had to rely on the wall to keep me upright.  "Mmm...I..."  I tried to say something but the way her tongue danced on my neck with her teeth gently taking small bites of me here and there...I just couldn't get any words out.  I shut my eyes and squeezed her hips, bringing her close to mine.  I tried to say her name but it came out a stutter.  "Shh-ch-ch..."  It was more like a shiver, coming from my throat.  I wanted her so bad.  My hands slid up her sides, and she was now buried in my neck putting in overtime.  Has it been ten minutes yet?  I hope not.  I want to prolong this feeling. 

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