Chapter 46 - Dreamer

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July 14, 1988

I stood outside Michael's door impatiently.  I knocked over a million times, just waiting for him to open up to his suite and let me in.  The hallway smelled of brand new carpet and the scent was giving me a headache. 

It was very early in the morning.  The sun wasn't even up yet but I couldn't fall back to sleep.  I was panicked from a nightmare that made me only want Michael in my arms. With my two fists, I banged simultaneously against his doors.  I just wanted him to wrap me up and tell me everything was okay. But he wasn't answering. I wanted to scream but I was mindful of the time so a frustrated screech escaped from my mouth instead.

I ran down the hallway to the elevator and repetitively hit glass button with the down arrow. I pushed and pushed until the stupid doors flew open. I need to go to Frank's room.  He was the only one I knew that had a spare key to Michael's room. I don't know where Michael's security was. No one was guarding his door which was odd. 

To my surprise, Frank opened the door on the first round of my knocking.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked huffy at my arrival.

"I need to get into Michael's room," I said out of breath and shaky.

"What's wrong?"

Do I tell him I had a nightmare and I just needed to see him?  Do I try to explain how I needed Michael to hold me? So I could feel safe?  "I just need him right now," I mentioned looking down to my feet.  I shut my eyes.  "Please, Frank.  Just give me the key."


My eyelids flew open and I looked at him with desperation in my eyes.  "I just..."  I tucked my bottom lip in my mouth then let my teeth hold it until I could figure out how to plead to this man before me who  was wholeheartedly against Michael and I's relationship.

"Come on," he said sighing.  He stepped out of his room, in his slippers, and shut his door behind him.

"You have the key?" I asked quickly, panicking after his door shut and locked automatically.

"It's in my wallet, which is my pocket.  Let's-go." 

He followed behind me as quickly walked to the elevator.  We rode up to Michael's floor in silence.  Then we walked to Michael's door in silence.

With so much ease that I wished I had, Frank opened the door and threw his hand out in front of me.  "As you please."

"Thank you, Frank," I whispered with a smile towards him.  I walked inside and only stopped in the middle of the room, looking to my left and right trying to figure out where his bedroom was located.  This was our first night in London and my first time seeing his suite.

I looked back at Frank who was just staring at me from the doorway.  "I'm staying.  Thank you," I stated, hinting for him to leave.

I didn't catch it quite clear, but it looked as if he rolled his eyes before closing the door and leaving me alone.  

There was only one lamp in the large room, its shade making it even dimmer.  I walked over to Michael's bedroom door and noticed as I got closer it was only on a crack.  I pushed it opened slowly and smiled as I saw him peacefully resting.  He was lying on his back with his right hand over his stomach, his covers up only a little past his waist. 

I walked over to the bed and slid my sandals off.  I crawled on the king size bed and kneeled over him to kiss him softly.  One wasn't enough for me so I continued to kiss him sweetly on every inch of his face until he woke up...

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