Chapter 39 - Got To Be There

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I took a few more steps towards the phone but I still wasn't quite there.  Just then, I was startled as the phone began ringing. 

Lissy brushed past me and picked it up as she threw her hand on her hip.  "Hello?"

I watched a smile form on her face.

"Oh hey,'s okay but I enjoyed the show very much.  You were all great.  Again, thank you for inviting me."

Oh my Lord, it's Shakira.  It has to be.  She didn't get to say goodbye to anyone after the show because I told Frank to get her out of there as soon as possible.  I just closed my eyes and prayed very quickly Lissy wouldn't mention I was with her.

"Oh, no, girl.  You didn't wake me.  I actually have company."  Lissy looked at me and I shook my head back and forth to her.

I then waved my hands so she clearly understood my location could not be compromised.

"I'll talk to you soon...bye, Itty-bitty."  She hung up the phone and looked back to me.

"Itty-bitty?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"A nickname I gave to Shakira.  She was thanking me for coming to the show."

"Oh.  Did you enjoy it?" I asked, taking the conversation away from Shakira.

Lissy's focus went off elsewhere for a few seconds, and then she finally nodded.  "Yes," she said faintly.  "So, are you going to call your driver?"

Oh, right?  I forgot I was supposed to be making a decision whether to stay or leave.  I stepped a little closer to her, my heart beat becoming more rapid.  "Are we okay?"

"We're not friends but we'll be cordial."

I wasn't completely satisfied with that.  "Wouldn't you rather me in your life as a friend then not be in it at all?"

She looked at me smiled.  "You weren't in my life for three years and I was fine."

Her words hurt me a little.

"You came back to my life for one night and look where I am.  I feel like shit all over again."

Lissy thought us not being friends was the best thing for us but I didn't agree.  I knew she was just upset and she wouldn't be able to make any rational decisions at such a time.  I knew she would come around.  So I left.  I didn't try to fix anything.  I left to be with the love of my life.


We had a couple more shows to do in New York City.  We wouldn't be leaving until March 11th.  I wasn't having the greatest time in NYC so I couldn't wait to leave actually.  But it may have been more so because our next stop was my hometown St. Louis. 

Michael was a very busy man.  I hardly spent time with him but I kept myself busy as well.  But one special night, Michael invited the entire band to accompany him to one of Lissy's shows on Broadway.  The show was called The Black Butterfly and she was the lead actress.  She was absolutely amazing!  I never had seen her perform live before so I was excited.  Her dancing was impeccable and her voice was flawless.  I was blown away, just like I was at The Grammys watching Michael perform.

I was anxious to see her again backstage.  Of course, she was being pulled left and right but we had a short but meaningful moment.  When Michael went to speak to her, all I could do was watch with no audio.  I kept a distance.  I didn't want to be in their conversation like I was last time at his show.  He informed me they talked and things were fine between the two of them again.

So I just cautiously watched from across the room, taking one too many glances.  She was smiling more this time.  Michael told me she was like a sister to him so I thought I had nothing to worry about.

I knew where his heart belonged.  It belonged to me.

Tatiana was gone.  She was no longer apart of the shows.  A few of the choreographers came to me and told me I was to be a part of Michael's performance during The Way You Make Me Feel now.  I had to wear Tatiana's dress and step out from behind the mic in the middle of the performance to have Michael chase me.  It was pretty easy.  I had already been rehearsing it before I even knew Tatiana was joining us.  I didn't have her long, sexy legs but I think I did just fine until they found a real replacement.

March 6th was our last show at Madison Square Garden but we weren't able to get out of the city so quick.  Michael was being honored at the United Negro College Fund's anniversary dinner.  He was to receive the Frederick D. Patterson Award for his incredible humanitarian work.

I thought we would finally get to spend time together after the last show but he was still very busy.  So I kept myself busy by writing music of course, locked in my hotel room.

It wasn't until the night of March 9th that he finally knocked on my door.

"Why, hello there, stranger," I said as I invited him in.

We smiled at each other before heading towards the bed. 

"I'm sorry, Shakira.  I've been busy."

My heart fell to my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw up.  Shakira? I didn't like the way he said my name.  I was so used to Button and Baby, hearing him call me by my first name scared me.  I just smirked at him and tried to hide the bothersome boiling inside me.  I sat down on the edge of the bed and folded my hands on my lap.

Michael sat down next to me and lightly pulled my hair behind my ear so he could see my face.  "What's wrong?"

I guess I wasn't hiding it very well.  "You called me by my name.  It just sounded weird."  I stared down at my lap.

"I'm sorry, baby."

I looked at him and smiled.  "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, well with us, but are you coming to the dinner tomorrow?"

I scooted closer to him and he threw his arm around me.  I laid my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes as I felt complete in his arms again.  I missed his hold.  "I have no place there."

"Yes you do.  By my side."

I giggled.  "Everyone will be confused if I show up as your date...again."

"I don't care," he whispered in my ear before planting a sweet kiss on my lobe.  "Just be there."

My head turned into his neck.  I took in his immaculate scent before tilting my head upward for our lips to meet.  I was so much in love with him, it scared me.  Because I feared losing him.  I don't know why, but I couldn't stop thinking of him and Lissy Bell.

I know they were best friends but for some reason, whenever I'd witness the two of them together...the way they looked at each other...their eyes just said something...more.

She was just another girl for me to worry about.  I kept reminding myself I had to trust Michael and stop worrying about these other females.  But she was different.  When I saw him and Diana alone talking, I would expect that to bother me more but it didn't.  I didn't get that vibe from them when I was with them but I got a weird one from being around him and Lissy.  I just prayed he wouldn't hurt me.

I didn't know.  But only time would tell.

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