Chapter Six: A torn past

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Killian's POV

I drove us to a fancy restaurant called 'Diamond Avenue'. Emma stared at the lights and chandeliers for minutes on end. She must have loved it already. "We are eating in here!?" She gasps. "Yep, all just for you. I knew you would've loved it." I explained to her. The server brought us to our table and I pulled out a chair for Emma. "What drinks shall you be ordering?" The server asks. "Umm I'll have still water please." I asked. "Make that two." Emma says after. "You don't drink either?" I smiled. "Nope." She replied. "I have my reasons." She continues. I and and we order our food.

After our starter and main we decided to have a break before dessert. "So Emma. Tell me about yourself then." I say leaning against the back of my chair. Emma looked up at me and looked like she'd seen a ghost. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Umm yeah, its just I have sort af a complicated past." She said trying to smile at me. "I'm a very understanding person Emma. You can trust me." I said grabbing her hand. "Okay.." She sighed.

Emma's POV

I didn't know how to start. When Henry was born? When I met Neal? I took a deep breath in.

"Well I was an orphan. Never really fitted in with any foster homes or adoption families. When I turned 18 I was finally
allowed to leave the system and live by myself. I got myself a good job and a small house and a car. It was pretty good. Then I met.. Neal. I fell in love with him and then fell pregnant with my son Henry. We got engaged when I was 5 months pregnant and then Henry was born. We got married when Henry was 3 and then realized the house we lived in was quite small. We moved into a bigger house. The one we live in now. I then realized I was pregant again. Then... Umm." I paused. Tears began to pour out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I voice cracked. "Its okay. I don't need to know anymore " Killian says concerned. "No I've started something I have to finish it." I said wiping my tears away. "Then Neal lost his job. I still had mine but Neal loved his job and was worried he was failing the family. He got depressed and.. And took his own life because of it.I found him in the bedroom on the floor with an empty pill bottle. Then when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant I miscarried a baby girl. Henry is all I have left. And he was only four when his father died. And everything just seems to fail for me. I can never live a normal life at all." I continued crying even harder. "Oh Emma... I didn't even know how hurt you must be inside. I'm so sorry for both losses." Killian said tightening his grip on my hand.

I looked up at him with a smile on my face. How did anyone like me deserve to be starting a relationship with this man. Wait... Was I? It seemed strange. We had known each other for a few weeks but not fully. "Now desert?" Killian said smiling at me. I laughed and we ordered the same thing.

In the drive home we talked endlessly. I didn't want to leave. But unfortunately we pulled up outside my house and he pulled the handbrake. "I had a lot of fun tonight Emma." Killian said giggling. "As did I. I would love you too meet Henry too." I said smiling. His smile got bigger and he bit his lip. I leaned in and our lips instantly connected. His baby soft lips felt amazing against mine. I pulled out and smiled even more. "Goodnight Killian." I said opening the car door. "Goodnight love." He said winking at me. I stepped out of the car and closed the door gently behind me. I walked up the steps in front of my house and looked back to see Killian drive away. I unlocked my front door and stepped into my warm house.

The cold winters night made its move on me and I was freezing cold. Luckily I left my heating on so my house was extremely warm. I set everything down and took off my heels.

I walked up towards my room walking past the room that brought back memories. I pulled down the handle and switched on the flower lights on the wall. My babies nursery. Tears started to form in my eyes and I looked at all the quotes and decorations that still hung on the walls eight years on. I smiled like an idiot when I looked in her crib in the middle of the room. I stared at the mobile above the crib and realized how much I would've loved having another child. A daughter. But I lost it all. I switched off the flower lights and closed the door again.

I walked into my own room and got into pyjamas. I set my alarm to get Henry in the morning and checked my phone. Killian had texted me.

"I had an amazing night tonight and I hope your feeling okay after our little talk in the restaurant. Goodnight love xx."

I smiled and texted him back saying goodnight and put down my phone. I switched off my lamp and lay down thinking about how amazing the night was spending it with Killian. I hoped he felt the same way I was inside. In love...

|Wow I am having so much fun with this book! I hope you all like reading it as much!!|

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