Chapter Twenty Three: Again

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Killian's POV

"Emma..... Are you okay?"

She looks down as do i and I straight away see it. Her beautiful white dress was white no more.

All i saw was blood.

It ran down her leg and she began shrieking in pain.


I ran behind her as she slowly fell into the grass. I had no idea what was going on. She began crying and kept moaning in pain.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911 and sent for an ambulance asap. I focused on Emma and cradled her and she continued to cry.

"Emma, love just breathe. The ambulance will be here soon."

She nodds and clutches onto her lower abdomen. I was so confused and Emma looked like she was too.

When the ambulance arrived they placed her onto the stretcher and gave her a blanket. They placed an oxygen mask on her face and wheeled her into the ambulance. I went to step in but a paramedic told me they had no room. I didnt mind aslong as Emma got to the hospital.

I jumped in to the car and raced after the ambulance, trying to avoid all the traffic and red lights. I soon arrived at the hospital car park and caught up with the paramedics who were wheeling her into the hospital.

Emma's eyes were closed and i was soon told they put her asleep as she was in so much pain on the way. I was still so confused by what was  going in when she was placed in her room. I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and take a breather. When i arrived back into Emma's room they had dressed her into a hospital gown and were taking some tests.

I sat in the chair beside the bed and held her hand. Nervous to find out why Emma was so heavily bleeding.

An hour or so later her doctor came into me to tell me the news. I bit my nails, filled with nerves to find out.

"We found out what happened to Emma."

"Well? What was it?"

"We tested the blood on her dress and  it came from her uterus.

"What does that mean?"

"You didnt know?"

"Didn't know what?"

"Killian, Emma was pregnant. She just had a miscarriage."

I was in shock. I began to cry. Emma was pregnant with OUR child and now it was gone. A child we never got to meet. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath.

"How far along was she?"

"Five months. The baby was very very under developed and that is why she never showed any signs of pregnancy. It didn't even come up on any blood tests when she was here a month ago."

"Wait.... She has had morning sickness these past couple of days do you.... Do you think that could've been the baby starting to progress?"

"I don't really know. But she will have to have an operation then we will recommend her to a consultant to get more tests as this will be her second miscarriage and we just want to make sure nothing is wrong."

"Thats fine. Would it be okay if i tell her about it? I think she would find comfort in me telling her."

"Yes of course. She should be awake soon."

I shook his hand and walked into Emma's room. I sat down and grabbed her hand again and began to cry all over again. A child we never got to meet was the only thought going through my mind. Although i never knew this child exsisted i still felt so heartbroken over the loss of it.

Emma's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open and i realise i am back in hospital again. My stomach hurt like crazy and i felt weak. I see Killian by my side crying. I rubbed his hand and he looks up at me to see i am awake.

"Hey love."

"Killian why are you crying?"

"I don't even know how to begin....."

"Killian? What is wrong?"

"Emma, you...... you've just had a miscarriage."

Those five words i have heard once before have hit me slam in the heart all over. I had already lost my baby girl Keeley (wow i just realised i never gave her daughter a name!) and now another child. I had never felt so upset, broken, torn, and hopeless. Killian broke down in tears with me and climbed into the hospital bed with me and wrapped his arms around my belly where our precious angel was.

I cried even more and turned to face Killian and sunk my head into his shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Im so sorry Emma."

I couldn't even speak i was so broken, my tears filled my eyes making my vision blurry. I just kept Killian close and fell asleep with the thought of the possibility of having another child..... That was now gone.

|Im so sorry for this! I had, just had to put in a plot twist. My poor little heart nearly disintegrated whilst writing this so I apologise 😓

But yay (ish) for quick updates! I put my other book on hold so i can focus more on this book ☺️|

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