Chapter Fourty Three: At long last

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Killian's POV

Waiting was agony. We had been waiting practically all day. Emma woke up a few hours after sleeping and hasn't really said much because deep down she was worrying and wanted to see her daughter. We were told we were going to find out some news this morning but nothing yet. Not even a nurse had came in to check up on us or ask us anything. We were brushed off their shoulders and it aggravated me.

Emma however wasn't feeling the angry vibes. She was more emotional and didn't really want to talk about how she was feeling with me. She had been through hell and back this past year and the only thing she longed for was one sight or one sign that her daughter was okay.

"Emma. Emma,Don't blame yourself for this."

"I'm not, I just.... I really wanna see her."

"I know you do, so do I. Let's just keep our fingers crossed okay?"

Emma laid her head back down in the pillow and sighed. She was a pretty impatient person and this was one of the worst things that we could wait for.

We waited a few more hours before I had enough. I stood up and walked out of the room to find Emma's midwife and find out what was going on and when we would be seeing our daughter.

I fortunately found her after a while of searching the ward. I asked her a few questions and we came up with an agreement. I went back to the room and Emma was sitting up twiddling her thumbs.

"What did she say?"

Emma's POV

"I couldn't find her. She wasn't around so I decided to come back and see you."

My head began hurting with all of the things that had happened in the past 24 hours. I wanted to see my daughter more than anything in the world. It was getting harder and at the moment I didn't really feel like a mother.

"Mr and Mrs Jones? Sorry to bother you."

I look up and see my midwife standing at the door. I smile as a sign of hope had just walked through.

"It's good to see that you've recovered from last night."

"When can I see my daughter? Is she okay?"

"Why don't you see for yourself."

She stood out of the doorway and another nurse walked in with a small fragile baby in her arms. I immediately sat up straight and my eyes began to fill with tears. She placed my daughter in my arms and it triggered the tears to fall into my cheeks. I placed one of my fingers onto her cheek and caressed it.

"Well would you look at that. Look Emma, she's beautiful."

"She's perfect. Killian, she's perfect."

"She definitely is. She looks so much like you."

"She has your nose, oh and your chin."

We admired our newest addition to the family and cherished her. It was like she never left us in the first place. I held onto her like there was no tomorrow and hoped she would t have to leave us again.

"What time was she born at?"

We both looked at the midwife as Killian asked the question I had been wondering since the minute she was born.

"January 21st at 8:16pm"

I smiled at our daughter and Killian at on the bed with me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll give you sometime alone."

The midwife and nurse left the room and me and Killian never took our eyes off our daughter.

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