Chapter Fourty Three: Daddy's here

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Killian's POV

"What do you mean your waters broke? It's too early!"

"Killian, this baby is coming now!!"

"Okay okay, I've got you your okay."

My adrenaline was through the roof, the realisation of me becoming a father had finally struck. But also the fact that Emma had gone into labour two months prematurely frightened me. I gave Emma her night gown and then phoned Mary Margaret as my Aunt Iz was in San Diego visiting her closest friends. Thankfully she answered even though it was 4am and offered to watch Henry and Liam for as long as she could. After I got off the phone. I lifted Emma into the car and made her comfortable.

"I'll be right back Em, just one second okay,"

I ran back into the house and lifted the hospital bags that Emma had packed a few days  ago and set the keys under a plant outside the house. I texted Mary Margaret where the keys would be then raced into the car and tried to comfort Emma.

"I'm scared Killian, it's too soon."

"I'm here Swan, I'll always be here. I'll not leave your side."

I kissed her forehead before shortly after she had a long and painful contraction. I held her hand as we drove as fast as I could to the birth centre. It was a lengthy drive but it seemed to whiz by as the roads were pretty empty as it was early morning.

I parked as close as I could to the doors of the birth centre and rushed in to get the attention of a nurse. Finally after a few minutes a nurse followed me with a wheelchair to the car. I lifted Emma onto the wheelchair and got all our things from the car. I followed the nurse as she brought us into a private room to wait until our doctor came in with the birth plan we handed in last week. A few short contractions later and finally the doctor came in with a distressed look on his face.

"Mrs.Jones, I did not expect to see you here tonight."

"Well I didn't expect to see myself here but here we are."

"Okay well we just need to make sure it's not just Braxton Hicks. That's first on the list."

"Her waters broke in the house! I'm pretty sure it's not just Braxton hicks!"

"Okay well we still need to run a few tests to see if the baby is going to come out safe from this premature labour. Okay?"

"Yes that's fine, thank you."

The doctor walked out and left us both in the room again.


"Swan, don't panick. Just breathe you will be okay."

"But will our baby be okay?"

"He or she is your kid, no matter what I believe they will be strong just like their mother."

I kissed her cheek as another contraction hit. Finally a few minutes later a nurse came in with a gown for Emma and she did a cervix measurement.

"Well it looks like your in labour, your 5 centimetres dilated! Which although it has it negatives we can work with it. We have a lot of equipment that can help your little one along."

"Thank you."

"No problem, now on your birth plan it says you want no drugs. Only an epidural and only when asked for?"

"That's right."

"Okay, so I'll be back to give you another measurement in a hour or so."

When she left Emma changed into the hospital gown which she hated. She always had and more than likely always will.

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