Chapter Eighteen: Recovery

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Killian's POV

Being at the hospital for Henry was hard. But being here for Emma and Henry makes it even worse. Emma had only been in her room for about 2 hours at most and there was still no news about Henry waking up. I had popped back and fourth to Henry's room to check if him and Liam where okay but the last time i went in Liam told me to stop worrying and stay in with Emma. So here i am sitting biting my nails as Emma is sleeping. The tension keeps building up for me as i wait anxiously for Emma to wake up so hopefully she can visit Henry. But she's tired out from hitting her head and she's still hooked up to a transfuser.

A nurse came in to tell me that they had started Henry on giving him his new cells to strengthen his immune system. I thanked her and she left.

"Who was that?"
"Hey sleepy head. How do you feel?"
"Im fine Killian."
"Hey whats wrong?"
"Ive been staring at these four walls when i could be seeing my son!"
"Emma you are having a blood transfusion and you have badly hit your head. That is why you are not allowed to leave this room. Im sorry love its the hospitals rules."
"No im sorry. I shouldnt have snapped at you like that. Im just getting paranoid."
"Its okay Emma."

I pull her into a hug and she sinks her head into my shoulder. I play with her hair, rubbing her back trying to comfort her. I cant imagine what she is going through. She is just dying to see her son.

After a while of waiting patiently Henrys doctor came into the room. I stood up and Emma raises her head and sat up a little.

"Ive good news. Hes awake." He smiles. Emma sighs in relief and grabs my hand. "Ill ask one of your nurses to bring you round in a wheelchair so you can stay on the transfusion." The doctor explains to us. "Thank you" Emma tells him with the biggest smile on her face. "Yes thank you" I tell him. "Your very welcome. Ill see you both round there." He says and then walks out of the room. Emma throws her arms around me and squems with excitement. She had been waiting hours and now she can finally see for herself if her son is okay and not hear it from anyone else.

We got her in a wheelchair and unhooked her from all her machines besides the transfuser. A nurse then lets me take her to Henrys room, just the two of us. As i pushed the wheelchair Emma couldnt help but get excited. I pulled up to Henrys door and Emma reached for the handle and pushed it down and forward.

The first thing Emma did when we got into the room was turn her head to look at Henry who had fallen asleep probably waiting for us. I wheeled her to Henry's bedside then went over to Liam and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for doing this Liam. Things would've been so stressful if you hadn't"
"Its okay. It was fun while it lasted. The Doctor said He fell asleep as the anesthetic is still wearing off so he will be on and off."
"Okay thank you Liam. You go down and get yourself something to eat and bring me a coffee please and Emma a bottle of water?"
"No problem. Ill be right back."

I handed Liam the money and he left to go down to the hospitals cafe. I walked over to Emma who was smiling like crazy. The most i has seen since we got here.

"I told you."
"Told me what? I guess i just went a little crazy over the fact i hadnt seen him in hours."
"Emma it is perfectly normal for you to worry and panic. Its what mothers do."
"Yeah i guess. Things are going to be harder now i cant go to work."
"We could do something about it?"
"Like what silly? Im not allowed to go to work and Henry isnt allowed to go to school. Our lives have been torn at the sems and i cant do nothing."
"Maybe i could?"
"No Killian. You have already done so much for me and henry over these past lot of months and i couldnt possibly ask for more."
"Well i insist."
"I wouldn't have asked in the first place."
"What do you have in mind?"
"How about?..... Me and Liam move in?"
"I know its a big step but think about it. Me and you can take turns going to work or looking after Henry."

Emma froze in her wheelchair and said nothing.

"I know its a lot to ask. But i just want to make sure you and Henry recover properly and heal."
"This isnt my decision Killian. This is the question of what you can cope with. It is a really big step. But its your big step."
"Emma. i want to spend the rest of my life with you, i will live by that. Liam loves you too and is so close to you. So my answer to you is yes. Yes i am ready to take this big step and change my life for you. You know why. Because i love you."

I pull her into a kiss and she giggles.

"If this is what you want."
"More than anything Emma."
"Then you better pack your stuff."
"You should too."
"Why? Where are we going?"
"How about we buy a new house and move into it together?"
"That sounds like a great idea."

I smiled and kissed her again. We then hear a few muffled sounds and when we looked over we saw Henry smiling at us. I helped Emma up so she could hug him. I then sat her back down in her wheelchair and she held his hand.

Emma's POV

"Mom are you okay?"
"Im fine Henry. I just missed you so so much."
"No mom i mean are you okay? You look pretty banged up."

I realise what he was talking about and touched my bandage on my head.

"Oh yeah im fine. Just hurt my head its nothing to worry about."
"Are you sure mom? I know how much you like to cover stuff up."
"Henry I promise you i am fine! Im just glad to see you awake again. And guess who is moving in with us?"

All of a sudden Liam walks into the room holding a brown paper bag of food and a cup holder with a coffee and a water on it. He smiles as he sees that henry is awake. He hands me my water and Killian his coffee. I whisper to Killian that is time we tell them both we are moving in together. Killian signalled Liam to come over and he sat on top of Henrys bed.

"Liam, Henry. Me and Emma have some pretty big news."
"What is it mom?"
"Well me and Killian have thought this through but i hope you both agree.... We have decided its time we buy a house together and move in as a family??"

They both shouted and got so excited over our agreement. It was clear they both agreed with us and were willing to move in together . This made me happier than ever before. Henry looked so much better already and he had a friend living with him now. And im moving in with the one person ive loved more than anyone. Killian. And that was more than what i wanted in life...

|Sorry its been so so long! I just got my phone fixed and i started back school so its all been piling up! Ill never let it get this bad again 😁|

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