Chapter Twenty Five: Life goes on

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|Oooh cheeky title named after my first book hehehehe|

Third person POV

It had been four days since the miscarriage. Emma and Killian had left the hospital still mouring over their loss.

The day before, They had decided it was time to cremate Alex. So they had brought home Alex's ashes to hopefully one day find the perfect place to scatter them. Liam and Henry were devastated for Emma and Killian. So when they returned home everyone spent time together to mourn.

Every passing minute got harder for Emma. She missed Alex and Keeley so much, even though she never got the chance to meet them.

Killian had experienced the honey moon period. It was now all too much for him to take in too. He had lost a child that he wanted oh so bad. But now they would have to wait or it will never happen.

Emma was scheduled to meet up with a women's gynaecologist in the morning as well as taking a walk with Killian that evening.

Killian's agenda was different. He was needed in the studio in the afternoon to sign papers for a new and upcoming artist to record in the studio later in the month. He also had a meeting for a big fundraiser for yet to be decided charity in May. He didnt want to leave Emma as she was still really upset and her hormones were getting the best of her.

Killian's POV

I woke up by the annoying deafening sound of my alarm. I turn it off and look over to Emma who is still fast asleep facing the wall on the other side. I sat up and kissed her cheek and she didnt flinch. I got up out of bed and into the boy's bedrooms so i could wake them as an education officer was coming to set them their work for the rest of the year for home schooling.

We all went downstairs and into the kitchen were i began making the boy's pancakes for breakfast. They eat up whilst i go back up to the bedroom to get ready for work. Emma was still asleep but i had to wake her up as i was leaving soon and the education officer was arriving soon.

I quickly got dressed then did my hair and put on my shoes. I walk out of the closet to find Emma sitting up playing with her hair.


"Um.. Good morning. Are you okay?"

"Im fine, perfectly fine."

"That's good. Um.... The hospital rang your appointment is at 12pm. But im needed at the studio so I'll pick you up at 11:30am? Also the education officer is arriving soon."

"Yeah that's fine. Why are you needed at the studio?"

"I need to make sure that everyone is ready for the big charity meeting later. I really need to go. Love you."

"Love you too."

I kissed her cheek and hugged her. I helped her stand up and walk down the stairs. I grab my files and kiss her one last time then left the house. I felt terrible leaving but i was needed at the studio and i have always wanted to be the owner so now it was my chance to make it all work out.

Emma's POV

My appointment was in an hour and i had been ready since Killian had left the house. The education officer had came and set the boys their work for the rest of the year. So as the boys started their school work i went in the office to clean up.

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