Chapter 50

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Hey guys, I know I have pretty much neglected this story for the past few months, but I can't find the time to write anything at the minute. I've managed to make this update a little longer than usual.

Thanks for all the support, votes and comments, and I'll try to update as often as I can xx

Chapter 50

3 days later

'Kimberley Jane Walsh, you better be getting ready'

I smirk as I grab my phone from the table, opening the bedroom door and beginning to walk down the stairs.

'Muuum, I'm already dressed'

'Hey, don't start Missy!' she scolds as I walk into the kitchen. 'Or I'll burn your breakfast!'

'Something tells me that's inevitable either way' I frown, edging closer to look at the contents currently being frazzled.

'Oi' she pouts, hitting me with the spatula, 'I'm on the verge of being offending here.'

'Seriously though, why are you the one rushing me for a change?'

'Because the girls are coming around. We haven't seen them all week.' She explain, focusing on the breakfast as she blushes a little, 'and we still need to thank them for setting everything up for our date.'

She reaches out for my hand, giving it a squeeze as she pulls me closer.

'I never actually told you, but they set up the rose petals and candles in the bedroom.' She informs me, moving me to stand in front of her, facing the oven as her hands slide down my waist, resting on my hips.

'I did have a sneaking suspicion.' I smirk as she rests her chin on my shoulder, taking hold of my hands and continuing to cook through me. 'What time are the girls coming?'


'Then why are we cooking this now? Their coming for breakfast aren't they?'

'I know but I was starving' she whines, making me laugh.

'Right, I'll text the girls and tell them their having dinner instead' I suggest, 'You know, so they don't end up going hungry.'

'I'm on it' she almost shouts as I go to move from her arms, then she disappears, leaving me to keep an eye on the breakfast.

I suddenly realise what her game was all along.

'Hey you!' I look behind me, finding her sat at the table on her phone, trying to hide her wicked, triumphant grin, 'You better be coming back over here to finish this off' I warn.

'But I love your fry-ups' she smiles innocently, looking up from her phone before frowning in disgust, 'Mine never tastes as good as yours'

'That's because you cooking always tastes of Charcoal' I mutter, but I'm guessing she hears me as I feel a coaster bounce off my bum.


'Oh Don't pretend you felt that' she exclaims, sounding outraged.

I can tell by the tone of her voice that she is grinning, and I know why once I feel her hands squeeze my bum, making me jump and knock the frying pan.

I manage to catch it, but by pressing it against my stomach with my hand, causing me to wince as I feel it burn, and I drop it again.

This time is crashes on the floor and the sausages roll out of the pan.

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