Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

‘Here she is!’ I look up to see Justin and Richie coming in, ‘Hero of the hour!’

Justin has a big smile on his face, carrying a big bunch of flowers and a massive teddy bear. Richie is following behind him and I can see him carrying something, but I can’t quite see what it is because of the bear.

I ignore them and return my gaze to Cheryl, biting my lip as I look at her frail body lay on the bed, depending on a machine and a tube for oxygen.

‘I’m no hero.’ I whisper, moving my gaze to look down at her hand in mine.

‘According to the papers you are’ Justin says, pulling a chair up next to me.

‘What?’ my head snaps around to look at him.

He glances at Richie, who I now see, is holding a few folded newspapers. He looks through them and hands me the second one in the pile.

I place it on my lap, reading the front page:

Girls Aloud Fatal Car Crash: Kimberley Walsh Hero of the Scene!

Many drivers and passersby held their breath today when Nicola Roberts car was seen spinning down the road on its side, with 4/5 of the band members inside.

Fifth band mate, Kimberley Walsh, was first on the scene and acted quickly to rescue the girls from the overturned car... blah blah blah...

I toss the paper onto the table by Richie.

‘It’s bullsh!t’ I mutter.

‘Is it?’ Justin questions.

I can tell by the tone in his voice that he already knows the answer. I look at him and see an eyebrow raised as he watches me expectantly.

‘... well they didn’t mention how the crash happened.’

‘They probably don’t know.’ Richie says softly as he moves around the other side of the bed, examining the machines.

‘Do you two know?’

‘Nadine called us. She filled us in on what happened.’ Justin explains, ‘they’ve rang Joan and Gary too so they’ll probably be coming down for a few days.’

Oh sh!t. How will they react when they find out what really happened?

Richie pulls a chair up, placing the rest of the papers on the table.

‘Wait... what are the others?’


Richie hesitates, looking towards Justin, who sighs and reaches for the papers.

He places them in my lap and I unfold the first one to read the front cover.

Most heart breaking image of the year.

Kimberley Walsh’s refusal to leave Cheryl Tweedy’s side, after tragic car accident.

Walsh rushed to the rescue when getting her fellow band members out of the wreckage, before a bystander offered his assistance when he saw her struggling to carry a barely conscious Cheryl.

The stranger carried Miss Tweedy over to her friends, carefully laying her down on the floor, where Kimberley quickly joined her. Holding her in her arms until the ambulance came and insisting on staying with her the whole time. Refusing to leave her friends side.

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