Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Cheryl's P.O.V

We've been walking for an hour, not helped by the strong wind blowing against us, as well as the rain it is blowing into us.

I'm breaking into a sweat under all this clothing, and I can't seem to take my eyes off Kimberley.

I know I'm making her feel pretty self conscious, I can tell by how quiet she is. She has gone all shy and nervous around me, and when I speak she looks at me in fear, like a rabbit caught in the head lights.

But I can't help it.

How many people would have agreed to walk home, when it takes an hour to get there when driving, just because I was too scared to get in a car? Not many. Most people would have just threw me in the car and forced me to get over it.

But Kimberley's too compassionate to force anyone into anything they don't want to do. I wouldn't say she is a push over, because I know she's not. She is just so much more patient than anyone else I know and I love her even more because of that.

'I love you' I can't help but tell her, causing the heat to rush to her cheeks as they turn a light shade of pink.

'I love you too' she whispers and I can only just hear her.

She turns to look at me, for the first time in like half an hour, since I started watching her.

'Are you okay?' she frowns, 'You look a little pale'

'I feel fine' I shrug, 'A little hot maybe'

'Maybe we should rest' she suggests.

She quickly glances around the park that we are walking through, which is abandoned because of the torrential rain we are walking in.

'Here' she smiles taking my hand and walking me towards a bench, 'come and sit down'

We sit down and I decide to take my coat off once I realise how faint I feel. She takes the coat off me and puts it on the bench beside her.

'Are you sure you feel okay?' worry is laced in her voice as she looks at me with concern.

'I feel faint now' I mumble as I move against her, resting my head on her shoulder and she puts her arm around me.

'We'll sit here for a bit until you feel better' she says patiently.

'We probably look like lunatics sat here' I chuckle, closing my eyes when I hear her sweet laugh join mine.

'Well, it's not like anyone's around to see us. And hopefully, no one will recognise us dressed like this anyway'

We fall into a peaceful silence, until I loudly break it.

'My god!' I exclaim, making her jump, 'I'm fcuking boiling man!'

My little outburst receives another giggle from Kimberley.

'Take off another layer if you have to' she offers, 'I just don't want you getting sick. I hate seeing you ill'

'If you hate seeing me ill, why didn't you leave me side the whole time I was in hospital?' I challenge as I remove my hoody.

'Well obviously I wasn't going to leave you' she murmurs, pulling her hood down and taking off her hat, 'I wanted to make sure I was there, by your side, when you woke up'

She silently reaches up, pulling the hat on my head, making sure my hair was covered from the heavily falling rain drops. I can't help but smile at her caring gesture.

'I've never met anyone who treats me the way you do' I whisper with a small smile, 'You're so caring and attentive'

She frowns when I say this, causing me to do the same.

'What's up?' I ask, to which she shakes her head.

'N-nothing' she stammers, looking away.

'Kim, if you didn't stay by my side the whole time, like the girls said, it's fine' I try to reassure her, 'I'd actually prefer it if you had gone home or took a break while I was in there'

'No, I promise you I stayed by your side Cheryl... I just...' she seems to run out of words, not sure how to continue.

'Oh Kimba' I sigh, finally clicking on to what's bugging her, 'Were you scared I wasn't going to make it?'

She doesn't reply, but a tear falls from her eye and she eventually nod, causing more to spill.

'Awh Kim' I pull her into my arms, 'I'm fine baby, I promise'

'I know you are' she sniffles, 'you recovered so quickly chez. You even shocked the doctors... and I actually feel so proud of you because of it'

"so proud of you"

"I was so proud of you" I hear a flashback in my head of someone saying those words, but I don't know who.

I picture it to be my voice saying it. But who was I saying it to? And why was I proud of whoever? Am I not proud of them anymore?

I decide to shrug it off for now, quickly returning to the conversation so she doesn't think something's wrong.

'I'm proud of you too Kimba' I smile, resting my hand on her thigh and looking her in the eye, 'I'm amazed at how far you've come in two weeks'

I can't help but smile when I think about her progress, my eyes welling up at the thought, though that may also be because of the wind making them sting.

'It's only because of you that I'm doing it chez. I want to be able to look after you, and I won't be able to do that if I'm constantly fretting over my weight.' Though it makes me happy to hear that she wants to look after me, it makes my smile falter when I hear she still doesn't want to get better for her own sake.

'Well... thank you' I put my smile back in place and kiss her cheek, before she moves her arm around my waist and we cosy up on the uncomfortable bench.

'As long as it makes you happy, I'll do it' she says sweetly, 'I can't lose you Cheryl.'

My flashbacks begin to come in strong when she says this.

"I can't lose you Cheryl. An ambulance is on its way, just stay awake till it gets here."... "Whatever you want me to do, baby I'll do it"

"I love you Kimba"... "You are so beautiful"

Once I remember what happened at the crash, I remember how it happened, as well as when we were in the restaurant toilets.

"No... Please don't tell me your purging"


"You said you would stop. You said you would eat what you could and wouldn't try to burn it off. And you did! You were doing great and... I was so proud of you!"... "You're getting help Kimberley"

"No I'm not!"... "If you make me get help, I don't want you here to support me"


Kimberley's car is driving unsteadily, swerving from side to side a little.

"What the hell is she doing?"

Her car completely cuts through our lane, causing the two cars that we have been driving behind to abruptly stop.

"Nic look out!"

"Turn! Turn!"

I gasp as I jump off the bench and out of her arms. I spin on my heels to see her looking up at me with a look of pure confusion and concern.

'What's up?' she asks, quickly standing up with me.

'You...' Is all I am able to utter as I point at her.

I see the colour drain from her face as she instantly clicks on to what I am talking about.

'You did this to me.' I gasp, 'You caused the crash...'

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