Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I checked the time as I pulled up outside. 2:00pm. He should be at training now. I took a deep breath as I got out the car and slammed the door shut, jogging up the steps I knocked three times and waited, arms folded across my stomach.

I was waiting for a minute or two when I saw something move in the kitchen window out of the corner or my eye, but before I had finished turning around proper to see the door swung open. I was quite taken back when she pulled me into a hug, though I think she changed her mind on the way because one hand stayed on the door as the other wrapped tightly around my shoulder.

"Kimba- Kimberley" she corrected, she looked strangely relieved to see me but on edge at the same time.

"Hey... erm" I have absolutely no idea what to say, I just looked around aimlessly for a bit, "I just thought I'd come and see you, how are you?"

"Erm... alright? You?"

"Okay" Now what do I say? Another pathetic small talk conversation?

I just look around again feeling awkward, stood outside her house. I notice that she still hasn't moved, still stood in the door holding the edge of the door like she's waiting to shut it. My eyes narrow when I notice this, she clearly isn't as excited like she had acted before. I look up at her face; she's leaning forward looking up and down the road anxiously.

"What's up Cheryl?" I asked, unexpectedly harsh.

"Hmm?" she looked back at me now. "Oh, nothing, I'm just hoping no paparazzi snap us"

"So what if they do? We're in a girl band together, there's nothing weird about us seeing each other, as far as they know anyway." I was getting irritated now, she's hiding something.

"You're right. It is weird for us. So why are you here?" she was glaring at me now and my expression changed, remembering I came here to make amends, not argue.

"Sorry, I'm not here to argue, I just want us to be friends... or civil with each other at least. We both know it's affecting the group; the girls have been walking on egg shells since the day we stopped speaking."

"Oh so now you want to be friends? After what you did?!" I was quite surprised when she raised her voice and stepped out of the doorway

"What?! I helped a friend. You thought I was cheating on you and moved on to someone else almost immediately!"

She lowered her head when I said this looking at the ground.

"I wanted to finish him for you" She whispered still looking at the ground, I felt instantly guilty and my expression softened.

"It doesn't matter now Chez; we'll be genuinely friendly in front of cameras and for interviews, no more awkwardness. We can just be frien-"

"I don't want to 'just be friends' Kim!" She half shouted, looking me in the eye. "I wanted to finish him! Believe me I tried!" She stopped on the verge of tears.

"What happened?" I asked softly, confused.

"N- Nothing... I... he..." she was looking around now, panicking. She was about to speak again when a flash went off from behind us. I turned and saw a photographer running across the road, away from the house.

When I turned back around Cheryl was backing back into the house quickly a few tears falling from her eyes.

"Shit Shit!! Kim you have to go please" she whimpered. I couldn't be bothered trying to argue with her anymore and began to turn to leave, she went to shut the door but I put my foot in the way when I noticed something. She looked up at me confused and pleading with her eyes, looking desperate for me to go.

I ignored her eyes and leant down so I could see her neck more. There it was. A bruise stretching along her shoulder and slightly on her neck. I gently slid my fingers around it and she flinched at the contact, looking at me with a worried expression. Suddenly it clicked, and I stepped back with a gasp.

"He did this didn't he?!" she began to shake her head, panic in her eyes "that's why you couldn't finish him, that's why you married him when he proposed so soon, that's why you're scared of being seen... he's beating you." I ended up whispering the last sentence, as my own eyes began to fill up. She just looked at me, more tears running down her cheek. Then she suddenly stepped back out the way of the door.

"Sorry" she whimpered before closing the door in front of me. I was about to start knocking till she answered, but maybe she asked me to leave for her sake, to stop him getting mad.

I jogged to my car, unlocking it and getting in. Before I drove off I looked back to the kitchen window. There she was, stood in the kitchen, dragging her fingers through her messy hair and crying. She turned to look out the window and caught my eye before I drove off. She was shaking and hugging herself now, trying to comfort herself. It took everything in me not to run back and drag her away from there, but would that cause more trouble for her? How would he react? I'll come back when I know Ashley's away for longer, so I can talk to her.


Since Cheryl had gotten with Ashley, the band had continued and became more of a success, we were now the most successful British girl band, we were also know to have the most chemistry as a band according to the media, though we are anything but. Cheryl became isolated in the group, the girls had never wanted her to say yes, we had saw him out numerous times with a new girl on his arm regularly, and they didn't want Cheryl to get hurt. They also know about what happened between me and Cheryl, as did Hilary, our manager, and Beth, our choreographer, Beth rearranged dances so we wouldn't have to dance with each other, this was unnecessary of course but she said it was just to be on the safe side, what did she think was going to happen? I might punch Cheryl in the middle of a concert but try and blend it into the dance?

Ashley proposed 5 months later, she said yes obviously, and three more months later they were married, we all went the wedding, my invite was for professional reasons and the sake of the band. After the wedding, Cheryl became even more isolated, she was late for rehearsals, rarely left the house unless it was with Ashley, and even on tour, she would stay in the tour bus or hotel room, apart from concerts, rehearsals or interviews. I guess I know the reason for her behaviour now. How could I not have noticed anything? Not even the girls, Beth or Hilary. I suppose she's been forced to hide it.

Anyway, it has been 5 days since I saw Cheryl now and I know that Ashley's in Scotland for a few days with his team, so I'm going to go see Cheryl on the day he's playing so I know he's definitely there, he'll probably sleep with some random girl while he's there. He usually does.

I'm laying on the sofa watching friends re-runs. It had just gone 11 when I heard a knock at the door. Standing up and turning the telly off I made my way to the door, wondering who would come here at 11 at night. Realising it was raining, heavily; I sped up a little so the person on the other side wasn't soaked.

I opened the door slowly, feeling cautious at who it could be. Then when I saw who was stood there, soaked, I swung the door open the rest of the way...


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