Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I'm basically on automatic for the entire drive home, focusing more on Kimberley as a million and one pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together in my head. What has been on her mind, why she was acting so weird before I left?

Everything is making sense now as I think about her recent behaviour. She didn't want to dance at the club, doesn't get changed in front of me anymore, and has been withdrawn because she doesn't feel comfortable with herself.

How could I not have realised what was wrong with her? She barely eats, and when she does eat it would take her ages to finish, and even when she was finished there would still be quite a lot left behind.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a car door slam and realise I have already pulled up in the driveway. I look towards the passenger side to see Kimberley making her way up the steps to the front door.

Quickly getting out of the car, I follow her up, opening the door because I have her keys, which Jamie found on Ben. Good thing he found them, I never thought to find a key before we left. Hopefully, mine is still around here somewhere.

Kimberley walks straight into the living room, dropping down onto the sofa. I go to sit next to her, planning to confront her, but I soon think twice when I see how exhausted she looks.

She slowly stretches, stopping quickly as a pained expression spreads across her face and she rubs her back. She rests her head back on top of the couch, barely able to keep her eyes open. I slowly walk over and sit on the edge of the sofa.

'Kim, why don't you go to bed?' I suggest softly.

She moves her head to look towards the window, but then moves it so she can see me.

'It's only half six' she argues quietly, checking the time on the clock under the TV.

'I know but you look shattered' I place my hand on her thigh and she turns her head to look at the ceiling.

'Okay' she mutters after a few seconds, straightening up and shuffling forward a little.

I move in front of her and take her hands to help her up. I can tell she is struggling, but I don't understand why?

I walk her to the bottom of the stairs, but let go of her when something catches my eye on the floor. As I leave her side and walk towards the front door, I hear her behind me.

'Cheryl?' she sounds panicked, causing me to turn back around, feeling my chest tighten as I take in how vulnerable she looks.

'Would you mind erm...' please don't ask me to leave. Please don't ask me to leave. 'Could you come with me?' I feel relief wash over me as she says this, 'Can you stay? Please?'

'Of course baby' I smile at her, 'I'm not going anywhere'

I pick up the item that caught my eye from the bottom of the stairs. The key I left behind when I believed a strangers word over my Kimbas. The key I threw to the ground in front of her, before storming out.

I sigh as I think back to how I reacted. I turn and lock the front door with it, before quickly connecting it to my other keys. I go back over to Kimberley, having put the keys on the table in the corner. I can see a slight hint of a smile on her face, hopefully because she just saw me take my key back.

We walk up the stairs hand in hand, parting once we are inside the room whilst she grabs her pyjamas and goes into the bathroom, as usual. I quickly get changed myself, examining the room as I do so.

The bed looks pretty much the same as it was on the day I left and the room has gathered a little dust, like it hasn't been used for the whole week. I try to convince myself she has been sleeping in one of the spare rooms, but from seeing how weak and tired she is, I'm finding it hard to believe.

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