Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cheryls P.O.V


I walk into the living room, not bothering to turn the light on, feeling exhausted from the day’s events. First a meeting with Hilary, god knows what about, I never bother listening anymore. Then a 3 hour dance rehearsal with Beth, I managed to pay attention to the dance routines this time, else Beth would have killed me by now.

I’m guessing, or rather hoping, the house is empty. He’s probably “out”. It’s too late for him to be at training, so probably just some other physical activity, with only  a matter of time till he stumbles in with the scent of another skanks perfume mixed with alcohol.

I collapse onto the sofa, trying to shake the thought out of my mind, while lay in the dark silent room. Instead, I start subconsciously thinking about Kimberley. She has a boyfriend now, a real boyfriend. He’s called Jamie, I’ve only met him a few times, but he is friendly, funny, confident and good looking, but not the slightest bit arrogant. Oh, and I hate him. As much as it pains me to admit it, he could be perfect for her, their good together and she’s happy again. Her smiles seem natural rather than forced, which is more than I can say for myself. After thinking this, however, I realise that I am smiling, just at the thought of her being happy. Maybe it is better off this way?

My thoughts are interrupted by the door slamming shut, making me jump and feel instantly nervous. I find myself sitting up and quickly scanning the room to make sure there’s nothing he can shout at me for not cleaning or something pathetic like that.

He staggers into the room, when he flicks the light on and sees me sat on the sofa he rolls his eyes in disgust and makes his way over to the chair on the other side of the room.

‘Good night?’ I pointlessly try making conversation with him, while looking at the floor. I already know his response will just be a grunt.

‘Hm’ close enough. Guessing that’s the end to the conversation, I pull my phone out and just mess around with it out of pure boredom. This is the only time we ever spend together and even this is in silence, it was as if my life had become trapped in some cycle, like a Ferris wheel that I couldn’t get off. Wake up to an empty bed, shower, get dressed, do whatever I have to do today, come back to an empty house, think, regret, bump into a drunken and, possibly, angry Ashley, sleep. I feel like this cycles never going to end and I can feel my old self leaving me, like I’m becoming a zombie, or a robot.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone was pulled from my hands. I looked up to see Ashley swaying on the spot, while analysing the screen.

‘Who are you talking to?!’ Annoyance was clear in his voice. I’d obviously passed the line again.

‘No one I was just on twitter’ I could hear my voice shaking and couldn’t help the small sigh of relief that came when I saw him turn to the door.

‘Whatever.’ He grunted. With that he threw the phone at me and made his way out into the hall, probably going bed.

‘Oh yeah’ he paused in the door way turning back to face me and rummaging in his pocket. ‘You’re marrying me.’ He stated as her threw a ring in my direction, landing next to me, ‘3 months. You plan it.’ I didn’t say anything in return; just stared down at the ring. He waited for a few seconds then finally left.

 Oh, it’s like my dreams are coming true! The perfect partner giving the perfect proposal, leading up to the perfect wedding, which will open the doors to the perfect marriage where we can start the perfect family!... BULLSH!T.

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