Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I wake up the next morning with Kimberley still in my arms. I look down at her pale looking complexion. I can't help but worry about what had her crying last night, or why she has been acting so weird and out of character recently.

I begin to think about what could be on her mind, which results in so many different possibilities running through my head, I begin to get a headache. I plan to confront her when she wakes up; hoping that she remembers what happened last night and why she was so upset. Even if I have to talk her through everything that happened, that I know about, I need answers.

Almost as if she heard my thoughts, she begins to stir. Groaning slightly as she moves her head and squinting as she opens her eyes. She looks up at me and gives me a weak smile.

'Hey' she whispers.

'Hey' I match her soft tone; she may have a headache, 'Are you okay?'

'I suppose' she sighs, there is a short pause before she speaks again, 'I'm sorry about last night babe'

'It's fine, you apologised last night' I inform her, clearly she isn't going to remember crying herself to sleep in my arms.

'I know I overreacted, but Jamie is a good friend of mine. I would have responded the same if you punched one of the girls, Justin or Richie. If it wasn't you, I probably would have hit them back... I know you were just looking out for me though.'

'Kim, it's fine, honestly, I don't care about that anymore. I shouldn't have hit Jamie, and I'm sorry I did.' I say as I prop myself up on my elbow, 'Right know, I'm more worried about what happened when I left?'

I pause for a second, a new scent rising into my nostrils; I must have missed it last night because it was covered by the smell of alcohol.

'Can I smell... some sort of... men's cologne?' I ask while inhaling the smell a little.

I look at Kimberley anxiously, watching as her expression turns from one of confusion, to one of horror. I don't know if it is because she has realised that I know something happened, or because she has just remembered what happened, but I see her eyes fill up.

'Babe, tell me.' I whisper encouragingly, gently placing my hand on her waist.

'No. I don't know how to tell you' she breathes.

'However you want. Take your time' I soothe, secretly scared of what she is about to reveal. She takes a deep breath while she thinks about what to say.

'When you left with the others last night... I met this guy' I tense as she says this, already not liking where this is going, 'He said he was a friend of Jamies, though I didn't see them speak for the whole night and whenever Jamie came over, he would like distract himself with something or move so he couldn't see him. But I just figured, he must have known him if he knew his name and that.' She shrugged.

After quickly looking down at herself, she unexpectedly gets out of the bed and walks over to the wardrobe. I sit up in bed, wondering if I am supposed to follow her or not. She quickly comes back out, but instead of the dress she had on last night, she is now wearing an old grey hoody and some black joggers.

'Any way, I only really spent ten/fifteen minutes with him and I started feeling sick and dizzy.'

'Your eyes were huge last night.' I interrupt.

I get out of bed and walk over to her. I reach my hand up and examine her face closely, which she seems to be uncomfortable with so I slowly drop my arm.

'They are still dilated a little, and bloodshot. Did he get you a drink?' she shakes her head in reply.

'No, I wouldn't let him. But I did leave him for a minute or two while I went with Rachel to the toilet. But he was alone with my drink while we were gone.'

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